Big Reveal

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We come back from the commercial and they replay what just happened during John's match. Then what happened with Nexus. Then we hear Vickie come out saying 'excuse me'.

"Excuse me. Excuse me! For the record, my name is Vickie Guerrero and I am the official consultant of Smackdown! And I am happy to take the credit for the Smackdown superstars appearing tonight on Raw. Excuse me! There is one special superstar, that has a twinkle in his eye, because his eyes are only for me. He is the Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler!"

"ShortBus Jr!" Aly exclaims.

"Shortbus Junior?" Mike asks laughing, as she sits next to him after changing.

"He's just so weird like Zack Ryder." She explains.

"Good point." Alex says after studying Ziggler for a minute.

"You know people confuse my cockiness, and it's really just confidence. I mean I can't blame them, just look at me...I've got it all! The looks, the shredded physique, this gorgeous head of hair, and that's not even the best part. Because there is the most beautiful, intelligent, and talented woman walking the face of this earth!" Dolph says walking down the ramp with Vickie and getting into the ring.

"And she's with me. She is my little ray of sunshine, when my skies are grey. She makes my heart go pitter patter."

Then Daniel Bryan's music plays and he walks out.

"Evil brat." Aly hisses.

"You know, I'm...I'm not exactly a ladies man."

"Yeah I noticed." Dolph retorts

"But I suspect even I could do better than Vickie." He says walking down the ramp, laughing.

"Ohhh, he dissed Vickie, he gets points for that." I say.

"Ooh nice one. Okay yeah he gets 2 points for insulting Vickie."

"You have no idea what you're doing!" Dolph yells.

"But if I could be serious for a minute. I'm not shredded, don't have the movie star good looks like you do..."

"That's an understatement."

"I don't have the peroxide infested hair."

"There's another 2 points." I state, Aly laughs and agrees.

"But I do have one thing. And that's the ability to capitalize on any mistake in that ring. And the ability to make you...tap out." He says getting into the ring.

"So here's what I propose, here's what I propose. The US Champion vs the Intercontinental Champion. Smackdown vs Raw, you vs me at Bragging Rights. What do you say? What do you say?"

", want to face me at Bragging Rights? Yeah, okay I accept. But you know what? Why wait till Sunday?" Dolph says taking the title and his jacket off.

"Why don't we do this right..." He trails off then slapping Daniel Bryan.

Bryan goes to go after Dolph but Vickie stands in the way. Dolph goes to get out of the ring, and Bryan goes around Vickie and starts beating him up outside the ring. Aly and I head out because I want to do something to Vickie because I can't stand her. When we walk out, we end up meeting up with Eve, Kelly Kelly, The Bellas, Melina, and Gail Kim. After Vickie is in the ring alone, we all walk out to Eve's music. We walk out and into the ring and surround Vickie. Aly grabs a bucket and gets into the ring after us. She throws the bucket and Vickie screams and red glitter spills out. I go over and grab the bucket and dump the remaining glitter on her. She climbs out of the ring and Daniel Bryan crawls in, then she runs up the ramp. Aly and I stand off to the side as Daniel Bryan is congratulated for doing what he did to Ziggler. He goes to leave but he's pulled back and music plays. He takes the belt off and hands it to Eve. Aly and I leave the ring, because he was going to dance with the divas, and we didn't want to be a part of it.

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