More Nexus Drama

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Monday Night Raw, just 24 hours from Hell In A Cell last night. We're backstage with Mike and Alex waiting for the show to start, and that's when the ninnies walk by. That's when Aly growls quietly and most of them flinch when they hear her.

"Awe look the ninnies couldn't take the beating they got last night." I say and they all cringe.

"How does it feel to be taken out by a girl Wade?" Aly asks smirking.

"Oh look I must've knocked the sense out of him, because he's not talking." I say laughing.

"Riley, you better control your girl before she digs a hole so deep that she can't get out of it." Wade says finally speaking up.

"I'm not doing a damn thing Barrett. Carly is her own person, I'm not going to control her like you would." Alex retorts.

"Just walk away Wade, walk away. Go recruit John Cena, but just remember he will take all you out...from the inside." I add.

"Piece by piece ninnies. Piece by piece."

Then we hear the theme music for Raw playing

"Better get down there soon, show's starting."

They all grumble and walk away and I high five Aly.

"Looks like they'll think twice before they mess with us."

"Haha yeah. Did you see them flinch?" Aly snickers.

We see them then come out on the Tv.

"Well let's see what they have to say tonight."

"Stupidity I'm sure."

"Now as you can see by the fact that we're all standing here today..." he stops because everyone is saying 'you suck' to them.

"Simmer down, there's a lot I need to get through. Now as you can see by the fact that we all stand here today, I was victorious in my match with John Cena last night. But before we bring out the newest member of the Nexus, there are a couple of issues that I would like to address. Now first of all, I have identified the 2 mystery assailants who hit the ring during my match last night. Now if you look at the tron, you will see that those two men were in fact Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty."

"THEM?" I exclaim.

"What the hell?"

"Now let the records show, that I did not ask either man to get involved in the match. In fact, I barely know either of them. And they are certainly not a part of the Nexus. Now I needed no help whatsoever in defeating John Cena last night. Which brings me to my second issue." Wade is stopped again by the crowd chanting 'you suck'.

"Yes, you've already told me that. Now my second issue is this... If I needed no help in defeating John Cena, then what on earth were you four thinking in coming down to the ring during my match, potentially causing me a disqualification? Otunga, I believe that was your bright idea. You know what I don't want to hear it, not right now. 'Cause tonight is about celebration, tonight is about inducting the newest member of the Nexus. So without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding. Put your hands together and give a very, very welcome to John Cena!"

We wait and John immediately comes out but not in a ninnie shirt, his merchandise. He walks down the ramp as Nexus has those smiles on their faces. He walks up the stairs and gets into the ring and stands before them with that still discouraged look on his face.

"John, I know this has got to be tearing you apart inside. But I also know that you're a man of your word. And the deal was that if I beat you, you become a fully fledged member of the Nexus. I think in time John, you're going to come to realize that this is the best thing that could ever have happened to you. Tarver."

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