A Time To Celebrate

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 Aly comes out of the bathroom from her and Mike's room all dressed and looking awesome. She's wearing a black and white dress and the necklace that Mike gave her. While he's wearing a deep blue shirt with a black vest.

"Okay I'm ready." Aly says walking out and Mike is about speechless.

"...Wow...just...wow." he manages to get out of his mouth

"You think this is good enough to wear tonight?"

"Yeah! Don't change, don't change." he says nodding vigorously.

"Thought so. Well let's go see if they're ready yet, and Mike?"


"Close your mouth, you're going to end up drooling on the floor."

"Haha very funny."

"Love you too." she smiles and walks into me and Alex's room.

"Looking good Windy." Alex says as she walks in.

"Why thank you. You're looking pretty good yourself DC." she says back.

Then I walk out all ready.

"Whoa! Dolce you look amazing!"

"Thank you. This is just something I had hiding in my bag."

"Haha good to see I'm not the only one that does that."

"Is that where you got yours? Was it hiding in your bag?"

She nods with a laugh. Then I look at Mike and then Alex.

"I think I stunned them, they're not talking." I say laughing.

"I think you broke your boyfriend doll." she says snapping her fingers in front of his face.

Then she does the same to Mike.

"Earth to DC and Wonder Boy."she says trying to snap them out of it.

"Oh good lord." she says reaching up and pulling Mike's face down so he's staring into his eyes.

"Helloooo, come back to earth space case. That's your best friend your staring at, wake up."

She sees his eyes refocus and meet hers.

"Welcome back to the land of the living."

"Sorry if I like stunned you Mike, my bad." I say to him.

"Mmhmmm" he says faintly, too absorbed with staring at Aly now.

"Your eyes have silver in them..."

"And yours are really blue, but come on let's get going. Dolce snap DC out of it, we'll meet you in the hall."

"Alright." I say as they walk out.

"Hey Alex, yoo hoo..." I say waving my hand in front of his face.

He snaps out of it and pulls me into him.

"You look beyond amazing."

"Thanks, and welcome back to reality. Aly thought I broke you. Hell I even had Mike stunned and speechless."

"Well it isn't often we get to see you like this so it tends to catch us off guard." he says chuckling.

"But do you know how weird that is considering he's my best friend?" I ask.

"Well he pictures you in your jeans and shirts so when you dress up it reminds him that you're a very good looking girl even if he has a girlfriend he loves. I'm sure he drooled over Windy back in their room." Alex explains.

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