March 31 and April 7 2014

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March 31, 2014

Dear Diary,

Where do I begin?

This has been a very exciting week. Very interesting.

Once I got to know Eric better, my first impression of him was that he had a thing for pregnant woman. He started by telling me about how hot he thought his wife had been when she was pregnant.

But then he asked if he could feel it, my baby bump. I thought, why not? So I put his hand on my stomach.

"No, not like that," he said pushing my shirt up to expose my skin. He rolled the top of my skirt down pretty low so he could see the whole thing and gently rubbed it. "Wow, twins...." He seemed deep in thought.

The next day when I was watching the Cane's ice girls practice (I don't skate anymore, 'too dangerous' for my health or something lame, but I yell at them from the sidelines), he sat down beside me on the bench.

"You look really hot when you're mad," he whispered into my ear, trying to be discrete.

"I'm not mad, they just suck at skating." I tried to rebuff his advances, but he was starting to turn me on.

After Eric left, Jordan skated over to me and leaned on the boards in front of the bench.

"Was he just telling you how hot you look when you're mad?" He asked with a smirk. "Because you look even hotter now."

"Wow, is that how you guys met your wives?" I asked sarcastically, but also to remind him that they were both married and should not be flirting with me.

He rolled his eyes, "But seriously, with that," he said pointing to my stomach, "plus your grouchy face, and the fact that you're not quite sure who the father/fathers of your babies is? That is really sexy." (I guess Jeff couldn't keep his mouth shut, but how could I be mad at him? He's so cute!)

"How the hell is that sexy?" I felt whatever the opposite of sexy is.

"It just shows that you know how to have fun, and aren't afraid to be a little adventurous." He said with a wink.

"Are you somehow trying to talk me into a threesome with Eric?" I asked, "Why do I feel like that is where all of this is going. If you are my answer is no. I don't do threesomes any more, and especially not with brothers."

"Woah, wait, first of all, that's gross, I would never have a threesome with my own brother no matter how hot the girl is. But wait, you had a threesome?" He asked climbing over to sit next to me on the bench. "With Sid or Brandon? Or both?!"

"Umm," I said embarrassed, "Neither actually. James Neal." I looked down, feeling guilty.

"Nealer? Wait, is he also-" he pointed to my stomach.

"No, this was after that happened, and he didn't, um, finish with me." I felt so awkward talking about this.

"So you and another girl like, kissed or something?" Jordan seemed very interested in the details of my ménage a trios.

"Well, a little, but we're just friends. And we were pretty high, and they were drunk." I shook my head remembering how crazy that night was.

Jordan was staring at me with an amused expression. "Wow, don't tell Eric that because that might actually push him over the edge."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, you live with him, with his wife, and his kids. He's trying so hard not to be sexually attracted to you, and you're not making it easy for him," As Jordan explained this, some of Eric's behavior started to make sense.

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