September 13, 2013

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Sept. 9, 2013

Dear Diary,

I slept until 11:30 yesterday! Sid finally woke me up because he was worried I was dead. He doesn’t know me very well; I could sleep until 1 or 2 if I had the chance. I offered to make him lunch as I made myself breakfast, but he was getting lunch with some of the guys later.

“Want to come?” I couldn’t tell if he actually wanted me to come or if he was just being polite, but I declined. I needed some time away from hockey players (especially after what Carli told me last night).

Caeleigh texted me around 2 to tell me she and Geno had not had sex. I knew they wouldn’t, it was just a movie date, but she liked to be hopeful. So cute.

She and Geno were going to the Pittsburgh Zoo today and she wanted me to tag along because Geno was bringing Nealer (whom he calls ‘Lazy’ for some reason).

Caeleigh got mad because I called Nealsy Geno’s boyfriend. After some persuasion (which included pictures of cute animals at the zoo) I reluctantly agreed to go.

I ended up having a lot more fun than I thought I would. The animals were so cute!

You know what else is cute? James Neal.

I know, I said I needed to stay away from hockey players.

But, he bought me ice cream. And he said I looked nice (again, very thankful for the new clothes Caeleigh and I bought). And he and I sort of got stuck together whenever Geno and Caeleigh left to do something cute like taking their pictures with the monkeys, or trying to kiss the dolphins.

“So, you’re living with Sid now?” He asked trying to make conversation.

“Not with him, just in his house, that he also lives in.” I laughed at my stupid explanation. “His house is so big that I could actually avoid seeing him, or even knowing he was home.”

“I’ve never seen his house, but I know it’s big.”

“I’m trying to talk him into having a housewarming party and invite the team, but you know how Sid is. Actually,” I added, “you probably know him better than I do.”

He smiled, “I don’t know, he’s never asked me to live with him.”

“I don’t ‘live with him’ I just-” I hit him playfully, “You know what I mean.” I looked around for Caeleigh and Geno. They were holding hands looking at the lions. Geno really wanted to pet them but the zookeepers wouldn’t let him.

At the penguin habitat they tried to find a penguin that matched each of their teammates. It was going well until the Tanger penguin started humping the Flower penguin. I knew they were close, being French and all, but this was a little too much.

It grossed me and Nealsy out, but it somehow made Geno and Caeleigh want to get dinner, so they left to eat and James took me home.

“Hey, you get to see Sid’s house now,” I said as I punched in the gate code.

“Wow, this is much bigger in person,” James commented as he got out of his car. I noticed Sid’s car was not home yet, so I sent him a text explaining that James was here. Sid was playing golf with his line mates Kuni and Duper and Flower (I don’t think I will look at him the same after the penguin situation) and he wouldn’t be back for dinner.

As I gave James a tour of the house he seemed genuinely impressed with my interior design skills.

“And, this is my bedroom,” I said quickly opening the door and closing it again, but before I could close it all the way he pushed the door back open.

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