Sept. 25 2014

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September 17, 2014

Dear Diary,

Caeleigh came home from the beach party at around 1AM. I happened to be up with Ellie at the time, so I asked her where she'd been.

"Just out, you know," she was a little tipsy, but I was tired and didn't feel like talking to her about it in the middle of the night, so I just smiled and made sure she got to her room okay.

The next morning Brandon had already left by the time Caels got up so I made more coffee for her.

"So, how was your night?" I asked as she groggily sat down across from me.

"Why do you want to know? What are you, my mom?" She asked with a surprising amount of negativity.

"I'm just wondering, that's all. I thought we could have some girl-talk or something and gossip about boys," I smiled and tried to show her I wasn't judging her or anything, just curious.

"Whatever, I'm going back to bed," she grabbed her coffee mug and trudged back upstairs.

"Don't forget we have yoga this afternoon!" I shouted after her.

"I'm not going!" Was all I heard as she slammed her door.

Well. It seems Caeleigh has turned into a teenager again.

I knew she was probably hung over or something so I didn't bother her, and she eventually came out of her room later, around dinner time.

"Nice of you to join us sleepyhead," I teased as she sat down next to me, rolling her eyes probably.

"Shut up and pass the mashed potatoes," she replied.

"So, what did you end up doing after the beach party last night?" I brought up a few minute later.

"A couple of the guys went to this bar for drinks and I came along because that Logan guy invited me. Tomas couldn't come, I guess he's only 19," she laughed, "that must suck for him."

Brandon and I exchanged glances, but didn't say anything.

"So were you disappointed Tomas couldn't come?" I was trying to get her to talk about it more, and she took it.

"Yeah, a little, but the other guys are fun too. But I like Tomas because he doesn't say much," she smiled.

I was pretty sure she only liked him because he was foreign and thus reminded her of Geno, but I wasn't about to mention it to her. She would deny it, of course, but I also don't want to upset her by talking about Geno.

"So how did you end up getting home?" Brandon asked her.

"Jason drove me, he said he lives near us and it wasn't too far out of the way," she replied, completely unaware of the looks Brandon and I were exchanging.

(so that's three guys she's mentioned so far...)

"Who else did you say was at the bar?" I asked her.

"Mostly the single guys I think, Logan, Shepp, Jason, Tommy, and someone else I can't remember," she thought about it for a minute but couldn't think of his name.

The rest of dinner was quieter, no more talk about boys (I could tell that was making Brandon feel awkward).

At the ice girls' practice the next few days I watched Caeleigh flirt with a couple different guys each day. She claimed she wasn't, but I know flirting when I see it. Trust me-former puck slut here.

So maybe our plan to set her up with one of the guys has gotten a little out of control, but at least she isn't crying over Geno anymore.

Maybe we should try to narrow it down a little more and push her toward someone. I'm not sure she'd like that, though. She's kind of enjoying this.




September 25, 2014

Dear Diary

I have been named the head ice girl for the Sharks! I'm really surprised; I'm doing a lot better now than when I first started skating again a few weeks ago, but Caeleigh is still in better shape than me and I thought she would have gotten it.

I guess because I have 'more experience' from working with the Pens, Hawks, and Canes' ice girls.

So that has been interesting, and I don't mind really, I just kind of wanted this to be Caeleigh's thing.


After practice yesterday she convinced me to tag along with her to lunch with Tommy and Logan. I tried to get Brandon to come too, but he had to watch the twins. Our sitter doesn't like it when we're late or make her stay longer than planned, but she's really good with Ellie and Teddy, so I can't really complain.

Caeleigh and I got a ride there with Tommy because Brandon had the one car we owned (we need to fix that) and he and I talked most of the time. He's pretty interesting and we got along really well.

Logan and Caeleigh flirted all through lunch and left as soon as the check was paid, leaving Tommy and I alone.

"So, what's up with Caeleigh?" he asked me.

"She's getting over a break up," I explained, a little embarrassed by her. "Why, are you interested?"

"No, I just broke up with my girlfriend, I'm not looking for another relationship right now," he explained. "So, what do you want to do now?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, I'm new so I don't really know what there is to do around here."

"Maybe I could show you around a bit," he suggested.

"That would be fun," I smiled.

We walked down the street and explored a bunch of cute shops and antique stores before stopping into a little grocery store. We were wandering down an aisle talking about hockey stuff when he suddenly stopped.

"Oh my God," he said quietly and I stopped.


He turned to me and drew me into a kiss.

"What the hell?" I asked pulling away, but I wasn't too mad; I knew there was probably some reason behind this.

"I'm sorry, that's my ex," he pointed to a girl at the end of the aisle.

That was all the explanation I needed and grabbed his hand and smiled. We walked past the brunette girl he had pointed out and she stared at us. I leaned into Tommy a little more, resting my head on his arm. I'm pretty sure I heard the girl whispering to her friend about me.

Then I realized I had my new ice girls' jacket on, which has my name clearly written on the back. I tried to adjust my hair so it covered my name, but she'd already seen it.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" I muttered once we were out of the store. I took my jacket off and reread the back and yup, 'Emme Saxon' was clearly written in big letters.

"Maybe she didn't notice?" Tommy offered when he realized what I was freaking out about.

"No, she noticed. If I was your ex girlfriend I would definitely have memorized this name if I saw you kissing some girl in the grocery store." Leaving my jacket off (it wasn't even cold, I don't know why I was wearing it) we started walking back to his car.

"Didn't you just get that today?" He asked, and I laughed at the irony.

"Yup, they rush ordered it so we could have them before the preseason started," I sighed as I climbed into his car. "This is my fifth ice girls' jacket. I have one from Pittsburgh, Chicago, Carolina, and one from college."

"Wow, you moved around a lot," Tommy laughed. "Any reason why?"

"Umm... boys mostly," I thought about it, and that's really the main reason. I went from the Pens to the hawks because of Beau, the Hawks to the Canes because of Cam, and now I'm with the Sharks because Brandon is.

"Speaking of boys.... I hope Brandon won't be too mad I kissed you," he said and looked a little worried.

I laughed. "You don't know Brandon well yet, but he doesn't get mad too often.

"Yeah, but I kissed his... his, um...."


"Okay. I wasn't sure, because you have kids together," Tommy suddenly looked awkward.

"Yeah, it's an interesting situation, I won't get into the details, but the twins weren't exactly planned. Last year was really tough for me, I made some stupid mistakes, but now I'm with Brandon and we're happy," I smiled, and wondered if I'd told him too much, but he nodded.

"So, I hate to ask you about Caeleigh again, but I thought she was dating Geno?" He looked over at me with an eyebrow cocked in confusion.

"I don't really want to say bad things about him, but he cheated on her and now she's.... I don't know what she's doing," I looked out the window and sighed.

"Because she was kind of crazy the other night after the beach party. I don't know why, but I went with them to the bar and," he shook his head. "I don't even know what was going on."

"What do you mean?" I turned to him. Caeleigh had made it sound like they had just gotten drinks.

"She was all over Cooch and Shepp and she tried to make out with me, but I really wasn't interested. She was way too drunk, and it's not really my thing to kiss girls that were just making out with my teammates."

"Oh my God," I groaned and rested my head in my hands. "This is all my fault. I thought if she had a new boyfriend or something it would distract her from Geno."

"That would explain why she's so into Tomas..."

"What would?"

"They're both foreign, speak with broken English, and Tomas is kind of Russian. The Czech Republic used to be part of the Soviet Union, right?" he asked.

"Yes, but Tomas is so young he was born after the USSR dissolved," I laughed, realizing how young he was (almost as young as Olli Maatta, my baby Penguin!) (well, he's not mine, but you know.)

Tommy offered to come inside with me when he dropped me off, but I said he didn't have to, I could explain everything (about the kiss) to Brandon.

But I forgot to.

Caeleigh was crying over Geno again and I got side tracked, and then forgot about it.

He's at practice now, and I have ice girls practice later, so I'll tell him after that.



P.S.: I hope Tommy doesn't say anything to Brandon at practice. I completely forgot about that! I don't even have Tommy's number so I can't text him to tell him I haven't told Brandon yet.  

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