September 8, 2013 Part II

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Sept. 8, 2013 [continued]

I sat on the edge of my new bed in Sid’s house trying to figure out what the hell happened. That was the first time I had slept with (or at least started to) someone other than Cam. How could he do that? I needed to talk to someone, other than Sid (who came home pretty late and sounded like he was stumbling), and Caeleigh was on a ‘date’ with Geno.

Maybe I should finally call Carli?

She’s been my best friend since junior high, but we didn’t see each other too much in college. I still feel like I can tell her anything and she’s usually good about listening and giving good advice.

I opened Skype for the first time in probably three years and called her. It was nice to actually see her when I told her about Brandon. Her face was priceless when I told her I was living with Sidney Crosby! And she looked genuinely shocked when I told her about Brandon.

“I don’t know what to tell you,” she said after thinking about it for a while. “He might just be saying he and his girlfriend have an open relationship so you’ll have sex with him.”

“I thought about that, but that doesn’t seem like him. I’ve only known him for a few days, but Sid thinks he’s a really great guy. Sid would have told me if he was the kind of guy who did that kind of thing.” I thought about it and added, “he offered to take care of Pancake; no one would do that just to sleep with me.”

“Still, that’s kind of weird.” She replied, “I mean, I get why someone would want to have an open relationship with their boyfriend or girlfriend if they were going to be living apart from each other for a while. But why was the picture already facing away from the bed? It’s like he knew you were going to try to sleep with him and turned it around just in case.”

“Or he just doesn’t like looking at her,” I said laughing, “she’s really pretty so I don’t know why he wouldn’t.” I sighed and tried to forget how happy and cute they looked together. “He said they’d been together for a while, like four or five years, maybe they’re doing that thing where you try out different people before settling down with one person.”

“A walkabout?” Carli added laughing. “I feel like you’d have to be really confident in your relationship to try that. I’d be too worried he’d find someone better than me.”

“I think that’s the point of it, to make sure you’re with the right person for you. I don’t think that’s what they’re doing, but he didn’t talk about it too much. He actually looked really embarrassed, it was kind of cute,” I added with a smile.

“Hey, if you’re okay with it, go for it. Just be careful his girlfriend doesn’t come down from Canada with a shot gun,” Carli said laughing.

“Carl!” I said giving her a disproving look. “Actually, I don’t know what I would do if I met her. Especially if she’s really nice.”

“Em, they are obviously in a completely different kind of relationship than the kind you and Cam had. You should talk to him about it. I mean, as long as neither of you have feelings for each other you shouldn’t feel bad.”

I hadn’t thought about it that way. “You’re right, if we’re just friends, or something, who sleep together then it’s not too bad.”

“Is he worth it? I mean, I know you didn’t have sex for more than a few minutes, but-”

“Yes.” I cut her off. “He’s worth it.” I added with a smile. “I’m not going into details, but if I hadn’t seen that picture of his girlfriend I would have been cumming pretty hard in a minute or two.” I’m so glad Carli and I are the type of friends that can talk about sex this openly.

“Wow,” Carli laughed as she choked on whatever she had been drinking. “I would say tmi, but that’s amazing. I’m telling you, hockey player boyfriend would be the best boyfriend.”

“I don’t think playing hockey makes you better at sex!” I said laughing at Carli.

“No, no it does! My friend’s anatomy professor said that their leg and butt muscles are toned for better thrusting ability and they won’t get tired as fast or something.” Carli laughed as she explained the science behind hockey sex. “Google it, it’s true!”

I did google it, and yes, it is true. It also makes me wonder about Sid and his giant butt and thighs…

Once the Brandon situation was resolved, Carli spent the next twenty minutes trying to convince me to let her visit.

“So you can molest a professional hockey player? I don’t think I want to be your enabler.” I laughed, but it’s true. I think she has a problem.

“Emmeline, please, I have known you for how long? I feel like you probably owe me this in some way.” She gave me her best cute/adorable ‘please!’ face, but I was not convinced.

“It’s going to take more than that.” We said goodnight, realizing it was almost 1:30, and I promised to update her on the Brandon situation.

And now it’ technically Sunday, so I’m going to bed.

Good night diary!



Ps. This bed is so comfortable!

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