August 20 2014

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August 20, 2014

Dear Diary,

The final sale on the house went through about two weeks ago and I am so happy! I have gotten back into my 'interior designer' mindset to redesign a couple of rooms, including the twins nursery. I'm so excited!

We will be moving in at the end of August, so we don't have much time, but hopefully everything will be done by the time we get there. Brandon is already in San Jose because he wants to get everything with the house finished before the twins and I get there. I would be sad about him being gone, but I'm too excited about picking out new furniture and stuff! : )

He has started practicing with a few of his new teammates, including his old line mate from Pittsburgh, TK. He seems to be having fun and fitting in with the team well, so that's nice.

I miss him. It's only been three days and I already miss him. Is it going to be like this every time he goes on a road trip? Western conference road trips are usually longer, like, a week is normal. What?! At least I have the twins to keep me company. Hopefully I can fit in with the wags a little better than I did with the Pens. I don't know why Mrs. Flower hated me so much at first (though, she probably still hates me...)

I'm definitely ready to start over in a new city with a new team in a new house with my Brandon and my twins.

I have been hanging out with his sister a lot. Chloe's pretty cool, and she reminds me of Brandon a lot, so we get along.

And, she's been a lot of help with Ellie and Ted.

"I heard what happened with Mark at the wedding," she said after we put the twins to bed.

"I can't believe I threw my shoe at him," I laughed.

"That's hilarious, though he needed it. He should not have said that to you."

"He was drunk, that kind of thing happens," I tried to shrug it off.

"Yeah, but he shouldn't have said that, especially not at the wedding."

"Well, it's kinda true. I mean, the part about him raising Eric's daughter as his own to protect me, and Eric too I guess."

"No, don't worry about that. And we don't care if you're married or not. I mean, this is the 21st century."

"I'm perfectly happy where we are now, and I think Brandon is too, so I don't see us getting married soon."

I changed the subject, still uncomfortable about talking about my future with Brandon, and she and I talked about clothes and nail polish, girl stuff, until one of the twins started crying.

Caeleigh will be leaving for Pittsburgh soon, so that's sad. She's been a lot of help with Ellie and Teddy, especially now that Brandon's gone. Once she leaves, I'm going to have to take care of them on my own. Chloe's here during the day, but at night I'll be alone. I'm going to be on my own a lot in San Jose, so I should probably get used to that. And not sleeping as much.

That's too bad, I like sleep. A lot.


Mark stopped by yesterday to apologize in person. I think Chloe might have talked him into it.

He insisted on apologizing to Ellie too, it was cute.

"Hi baby Ellie! Your Uncle Mark is an ass and he's sorry. Though, I'm not really your uncle," he said to her as he rocked her in his arms.

"You are her uncle as much as Jordan Staal is, if not more, because I don't know if any of Eric's brothers even know about her." I was sitting next to him, making sure he didn't forget that she was a baby and do something stupid (like drop her).

"You know, I've had two younger siblings, I know how to hold a baby," he said, noticing my caution.

"I bet you and Brandon were terrors as children, poor Chloe," I teased.

"What? No, we were fantastic..." He trailed off, still staring down at Elli. "Why are babies so cute? Can I keep this one?"

I was shocked, but more amused, that he wanted a baby. "No, you can't keep her."

"Why? You have another one, and you can always make more."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Mark, what are you trying to say?"

"Nothing, it's nothing, forget about it."

"What are you not saying? There is definitely something you are not telling me."

"No, I can't talk about it, sorry."

"I'm going to take Ellie away from you if you don't tell me," but he still didn't say anything, so I started to take her from him. "I have to feed her anyway."

Suddenly he stopped resisting and just stared at me. "You're going to breastfeed in front of me?"

"Eww no," I picked up a bottle and held Ellie in my arms.

"I'll tell you if you do."

"Mark, that's gross. Besides, I don't even know what you're going to tell me."

"Okay, then I'll tell you first."

I thought about it for a minute. People breastfeed in public all the time, so why shouldn't I do it in front of Mark? It's not like I'm taking my shirt off or anything.

"I've already seen you naked, so..."

"Okay, fine," I rolled my eyes.

He grinned, and I really hoped what was going to tell me was worth it.

"Okay, so, a few days before Brandon left, he wanted to talk to me about what I'd said at the wedding. I thought he was going to bitch at me because I called you a whore, or whatever, but he didn't. Instead he wanted my advice."

I waited for him to continue. "Is there any more?"

"Yeah, I was waiting to see if you were maybe going to start feeding her or something..."

"No, I'm going to make sure what you have to tell me is actually worth it first."

"Okay, so first I was like, why do you want my advice? I'm bad at relationships and stuff, but whatever. He wanted to know if I thought you would want to stay with him. Like, for a while."

"Stay with him?"

"Like, if you would want a long term relationship with him."

I was quiet for a minute as I absorbed everything he'd said. "Is this because we're going to be living together, and we're kind of buying a house together?"

"Yeah, I guess, and because, you know, you have a child together."

"So what did you tell him?"

"I told him that he might have to keep a close eye on you so you don't wander off," he laughed. "But really, I think you're trying really hard to not sleep with his teammates. And me, of course. I know that's something you struggle with on a daily basis."

"Yup, can't keep my hands off of you," I replied sarcastically and began unbuttoning my shirt so I could feed Ellie.

After a minute, Mark changed his mind. "You know what, this isn't as hot as I thought it would be."

"I told you so," I shouted after him as he left.

So Brandon is also thinking about long-term plans.

That is definitely a positive sign!

I can't wait to see him in a week!

(And to see how the house looks!)



A/N: I wrote a new book (a love story) if anyone wants to read it it's on Amazon in Kindle and print book:

Thanks! : )

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