August 10 2014

22 0 0

August 07, 2014

Dear Diary,

Caeleigh's here! I'm so excited! She just got in yesterday morning and she's still on Russia time so she's been really tired. She was so excited to see the twins and has been a lot of help with them because she's used to waking up a lot earlier than us (like 2 AM), so I've been able to sleep a bit more lately.

She also helped us pick out our house. After looking at both of them she couldn't decide, so she asked which one was closer to the SAP center where the Sharks play.

"I think they're about the same distance," Brandon said checking google maps.

"And which one is closer to where TK lives?" She asked, and that got him.

"Looks like your house wins," he said to me, and I hugged him with a huge smile on my face.

"I knew we would pick that one in the end. I fell in love with it the second we walked in," I stretched up on my toes to kiss him. "Now I get to pick out furniture and decorate the house and pick paint colors...."

"We need to buy it first," he said breaking away from my clasp. "I'm going to call our real estate agent to see how soon we can finalize the sale."

I looked through all of the pictures of it again with Caeleigh and started picking out colors for the rooms and any other changes that would need to be made before we moved in.

That night we went out to dinner with his family to celebrate. Caeleigh stayed home with the twins because she was tired.

"This is a big move for you guys," his mom said. "Buying a house is long term, you think you'll stay in San Jose that long?"

Brandon shrugged, "I think I have what they're looking for, so hopefully they will want to keep me for a while."

"You don't want to get traded again, now that you have two kids," Mark teased him.

"Yeah, that's kind of the point, Mark," he replied sarcastically.

"Have you looked at schools?" Chloe, who was sitting next me, asked.

She and I got into a conversation about schools and the neighborhood, which her mom joined, while the guys talked about hockey (of course).

After all the wine was gone (which I did not drink) the conversation turned to the upcoming wedding. There is apparently a Sutter wedding every summer.

"I don't think there's anyone getting married next summer, someone will have to get engaged soon," his mom said, and glanced at Brandon.

"I'm just saying, so the pattern doesn't break," she explained after receiving death glares from Brandon and his sister.

I just sat there nervously playing with my hair.

"We should get going, Caeleigh's probably tired," I said looking up at Brandon.

"Yeah, it's kind of late," he replied. We said goodbye, and didn't talk about his mom's comment as we drove home.

Caeleigh was asleep on the couch with Teddy in her arms when we got home. It was really cute. We put them both to bed, and then we went to bed, though I couldn't sleep. This was the second time someone had mentioned the fact that Brandon and I were not married. I'm okay with it, and I'm pretty sure he is too, but I don't want him to think he has to do something he doesn't want to just because other people think we should be married.

"Brandon," I whispered and shook him a bit. "Are you awake?"

"What?" He opened one eye and looked at me. I could tell he wasn't really awake.

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