September 12 2014

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September 5, 2014

Dear Diary,

Caeleigh has been so... emotional since she got here. Like, sometimes she's raging mad at Geno, other times she seems happy, yet sometimes she randomly cries. Like the other day she was watching some baby cartoon show with the twins and there was a penguin, and I guess that a cute baby cartoon penguin reminded her of Geno.

She spends a couple of hours each day tanning, or at least trying to. I think she has finally gotten some color, though it's hard to tell. I have to keep reminding her to wear sunscreen because she burns so easily and the last thing she needs right now is a bad sunburn.

I am determined to cheer her up no matter what it takes, and I think I have the perfect plan.

There are a couple of guys on the team that are single, I think, and I'm going to try to set her up with one of them. But I have to make it look like it happened accidentally. Like, 'oops I forgot we invited you over, we were just heading out, but you can stay here with Caeleigh if you want.'

Brandon thinks this is a good idea too, and we've been plotting secretly whenever she's not around.

"So, according to the wags, Logan Couture and Jason Demers are both single and seem nice, what do you know about them?"

"Logan, they call him Cooch, is cool, maybe a little cocky, but he'd be a good match for her."

"Cooch?" I asked. "I think I'm just going to call him Logan..."

"And Jason," Brandon continued, ignoring me, "is like his best friend, they have a 'bromance' or something going on that I don't really understand. But Jason's funny, maybe not Caeleigh's type, but he'd cheer her up."

"Yeah, but I don't really know what Caeleigh's type is anyway, I mean she dated Geno, so I guess hockey players are her type," I replied, trying to think if she'd mentioned any of her ex's to me.

"I think a good way for her to meet the team would be if she became an ice girl again," Brandon suggested. "I know you don't want to do that again, but do you think she'd be up to it?"

"I don't know, but the Sharks do need some decent ice girls. I guess the fad of having ice girls perform at intermission didn't make it to the western conference until this season. The ones they have now are like high school cheer leaders and don't know how to skate, it kind of makes me sad," I laughed, though it was sad. I watched one of their practices but had to leave because it was so horrible.

"How long is she even going to stay with us? I'm not complaining; I think it's great she's here to help you with the twins and everything, but did you see the number of suitcases she brought?"

"Yes, and that's typical of Caeleigh. That's probably not even all of her clothes," I smiled, remembering the one time I had helped her go through all over her clothes to get rid of stuff she didn't wear any more, and it took four days. Literally.

I waited until Caeleigh was in one of her 'good' moods before asking her about it. There were no cartoon baby penguins around to make her sad, and she'd just returned from buying yet even more clothes, so she had to be in a good mood.

"Hey Caels, I have a funny question for you," I was trying not to sound overly nice, but I think it showed. "Have you thought of being an ice girl for the Sharks? They really need some help, and you're just the person."

"I see what you're doing here," she looked at me, a little disappointed. "You want to get me out of the house more so you and Brandon can be alone."

"No, no that's not it at all. We love having you around. I just that you might want to do that; you wouldn't have to try out or anything."

"If they need so much help, why don't you do it?" She had a good point, and I couldn't think of a reason and lying on the spot is not my thing, not anymore at least.

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