November 16 2013

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Nov. 13, 2013

Dear Diary,

The Pens lost on Saturday, Sid returned grumpy and tired. I just wanted to cuddle with him, and he was okay with that, so we spent the night in each others arms, which was nice after not seeing him for a week.

The next day they had practice and Caeleigh and I skated a bit. Her black eye is almost better. I still feel really bad about it, but she's been so nice about it. She keeps saying it's her fault and she deserved it. (She kind of did though, but I still feel bad).

I've been so tired all week, I just want to sleep. But I have so much homework.

Sid said it was fine if Carli visited, but I wouldn't get to introduce her to any of the guys. The team has been getting ready for their second game against the Flyers, which is tonight. Kate said we're skating to 'What does the Fox Say' in hopes to confuse the opposition. We will be wearing cute fox ears and tails with our usual black and gold ice girl uniforms.

So, we'll see if that works.



Ps. It did not work, they won 2-1. Still no sex. Grrr.


Nov. 16, 2013

Dear Diary,

Wow, I am in trouble. I am such a slut.

I knew Carli shouldn't have visited.

When she got here the first thing she did was hug my boyfriend for an awkwardly long time.

Then she asked where all the hot hockey players were.

We went out for dinner, she and Caeleigh and Geno, and Sid and I. That went okay, except Carli had too much wine. She really tried hard not to hit on Geno, but she loved his accent. She learned a bit of Russian in school, so she tried to exchange a few words with him.

I had a tiny bit more to drink than I'm allowed to, a glass of wine and a shot of vodka (from Geno for my birthday).

Maybe it's because I haven't had much to drink lately, but my alcohol tolerance was super low.

I asked Sid if I was getting birthday sex later, and he said "not tonight. We lost to the Flyers last night, you know how it works."

This made me super mad. Then I got more mad when he wanted to go home and be lame instead of going out with Carli and I.

As Carli and I rode to a club in a cab I called James Neal. I figured at least Carli could get lucky tonight even if I couldn't. Nealsy was on his way to a party at this guy's house and said we should meet him there so we did, even though I had no idea where we were going.

It was actually a pretty cool house up on this hill that sort of looked over the city. There were a lot of people there, most of them looked like hipsterish college students.

Upon entering the house, someone gave use each a joint. I hadn't smoked weed for a few years so it took a while to get used to. We found James sitting around a hookah with a bunch of girls. (he was wearing those glasses he wears sometimes, super hot). Some of the girls left and Carli and I joined him. Carli and James were drinking, but I didn't want to. I had to skate the next day (and James had to play, I don't know why he was drinking so much).

A while later, I have no idea how much longer, we were pretty high. The three of us swam through the crowded house until we found a bedroom. We laid on the bed and watched the ceiling fan.

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