April 11

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April 11, 2014

Dear Diary,

Jeffy and I finally went figure skating together. It was better than I thought.

"I'm a little rusty, I haven't done this in a while," he said as we got on the ice.

He was holding my hand, not so he wouldn't fall, but so I wouldn't. He kept saying how worried he was that I would fall and hurt the twins.

"Jeffy, you are so adorable. I'll be fine," I said as we skated to center ice.

"But you're seven month pregnant, if you fell on your stomach that would be really bad."

"When have you ever fallen on your stomach and not tried to stop yourself with your arms or legs?" I asked him sarcastically. "Besides, I'm not going that fast or doing anything that might make me fall."

"I'm just worried, sorry." He said smiling with that super cute dimple.

We skated for a bit, and I got him to do some jumps and spins.

"You are still pretty good, why were you embarrassed?" I asked as we skated over to the bench.

"I don't know, I just haven't done it in a while, and I didn't want to look bad in front of you," he said looking down, embarrassed, and super cute.

"Why? You don't need to worry about what I think. Besides, it doesn't matter if you're bad at figure skating, you're still a really good hockey player," I said leaning on his arm a bit.

"Oh, you think I'm good at hockey?" He asked, obviously getting embarrassed.

"I'm not really an expert, but I think you have to be pretty good to play in the NHL," I replied sarcastically, and he laughed. (So adorable!)

I talked him into letting me make him dinner after. We went to the grocery store, because he was worried he didn't have any food at his place.

Jeff was actually very helpful in the kitchen (is there anything he isn't good at?). We somehow got to talking about how I ended up pregnant, and I had to tell him about my medicine.

"That really sucks. What has your old doctor said about it?" He asked.

"Nothing, I haven't talked to her."

"You could sue her for malpractice."

"I know, I probably should," I sighed and sat down at the table next to him.

"My sister is a lawyer if you wanted to talk to her about it."

"Really? That is very cool. I might need to talk to her."

"So what exactly is going on between you and Brandon?" he asked, looking cute and adorable.

"Honestly? I don't know. We're definitely more than friends, I'm just not sure how much more," I paused. I'm not really sure why I was being so open with Jeff. I think it's because he's so cute and innocent looking. "I've kind of had feelings for him for a while. When I found out he and Marie weren't together any more I remember feeling disappointed that Sid and I had just started dating. I tried not to think about it, but it became more obvious that he felt the same way. And now we have this, which complicates things even more," I added pointing to my stomach.

"When will you find out who the father is?"

"I'm not sure, I was going to wait until they were born, because it's safer that way, but something has come to my attention recently that made me change my mind." I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him about Eric possibly being the father.

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