September 4, 2013

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Sept. 4, 2013

Dear Diary,

Last Friday something interesting and unexpected (but not unwanted) occurred. Due to some construction at Consol, the ice girls now have to walk through the Penguins locker room to get from our locker room to the showers. They say it’s temporary, but I don’t think the players mind. I know I don’t mind. So, I was leaving the shower clad only in a towel with another towel wrapped around my hair, and I had to walk through a room full of hockey players. They were all sitting down listening to coach Dan and I tried to keep my head down (and my towel on) but just as I was walking passed Dan he reached out and stopped me.

“Saxon, right?” He asked looking at his notebook and then back at me. “Emmeline Saxon?”

I was shocked and surprised and confused, but I nodded yes. “Yup, Emme.”

“It says in your folder that you were Olympic trained?” I blushed as he asked this question.

“Well, not that I went to the Olympics, but my skating coach was an Olympic skater a while ago.” I glanced over at Sid (still the only person I knew at this point) and he was nodding his head as if he now understood why I skated much better than the other ice girls.

“That’s very interesting.” He paused before adding the next part. “Would you like to teach these guys how to figure skate?” He gestured at the team, who in return looked surprised.

I was also a bit surprised and stood with my mouth open for a few seconds before I responded.

“Why?” I asked with a laugh. “Aren’t they already good enough?” I could feel my cheeks turning red with embarrassment as they all looked at me. Still wearing just a towel. Some of them were also just wearing a towel, or in various stages of taking off equipment, exposing their bare, sculpted chests. I tried not to stare, but, you know.

“It would help their skating, improve fluidity, balance, gracefulness,” Dan explained, “and I think it could be fun. Right?” He looked at the team, who seemed to nod in agreement with him.

“Ummm,” I looked around the room one more time, realizing some of them were pretty hot. “Yeah, why not.” I added with a smile.

“Tuesday, at 10 AM?” Dan asked.

“Tuesday, that’s great.” I replied and then left to get dressed.

Later, as Caeleigh and I were leaving the building, Sid caught up with us. I was surprised because he hadn’t talked to me in a few days.

“Hey, sorry about that,” He said.

“For what?” For being too pretty, or smiling like a dork? He doesn’t need to apologize for that.

“Dan making you stand in front of the whole team in a towel. That must have been awkward for you.” He smiled apologetically (super cute) and added, “he has a lot on his mind right now, they have to make some final cuts next week, and you just happened to walk by right after we were talking about you.”

“You were talking about me?” I asked, maybe a little bit too interested.

“Yeah, no we were just talking about how we’d never had an ice girl like you before, and how you are really good at skating, and stuff.” He trailed off not finishing his thought. “Would you like to grab some coffee or something?”

His question caught me off guard. “Right now?”

“If you’re not busy,” he said glancing at Caeleigh, who got the hint.

“I am going shopping with my sister, so I will see you later?” She said, giving me a look like ‘you’d better tell me all about this later.’ I nodded as she left to find her car.

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