September 8, 2013

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Sept. 8, 2013

Dear Diary,

Seeing Brandon the next day at Consol was not as awkward as I thought it would be. After Thursday night’s kiss I wanted to get some kind of clarification on what exactly that was, but I couldn’t ask him with Sid around. Sid and I were becoming friends pretty quickly and I didn’t want to ruin it. As I was trying to think of a way to get Brandon alone so I could ask him what the hell was going on, he pulled me around a corner and into a closet.

“Hey,” he said with a smile. I took a step back from him and smashed into some hockey sticks.

“Whoa there, shh,” he said laughing as he helped me pick them up. “We should probably be quiet,” he added pulling me closer to him so I wouldn’t knock anything else over.

Looking up I realized how much taller than me he was, almost a foot maybe.

“You’re tall.” I said stupidly with a smile. (I’m such an idiot)

He laughed, “And you’re kind of short,” he smiled and patted me on the top of my head, which came up to the middle of his chest.

“I guess Pancake didn’t kill you last night?” I didn’t see any scratches or bite marks.

“No she was great, still kind of shy, but I left food out for her in case she came out of hiding.” He looked like he wanted to say something but stopped.

After a short pause, I asked him why we were having a perfectly normal conversation in a closet.

He laughed and then said a little more seriously, “because,” he paused to brush a stray hair out of my face.

“Because you kissed me?” I finished his question for him.

I really wanted to know what he had to say about that. I hadn’t told Caeleigh so I didn’t have her girly insight and Carli would have freaked out.

He looked down and away, as if he was embarrassed about it, or ashamed?

“Yeah,” he said finally looking into my eyes. I think his eyes are hazel. It was kind of hard to tell in that light, but they weren’t brown, like Sid’s, but there were tones of green and grey that mixed to make a soft, warm color.

“We don’t have to talk about that, or whatever it was….” I trailed off, hoping he would ignore me.

“I’m not really sure why I did that,” he ran his hands through his hair (which was a lot lighter than I thought it should be, I feel like he should have darker hair to match his darker complexion).

“That’s okay,” I took a step closer and looked up at him. Somehow him being awkward/uncomfortable made him really cute and adorable.

“It’s just that I have-” He was cut off when Dana Heinze (equipment manager) opened the door. I immediately stepped away from Brandon, knocking over more hockey sticks.

“Please be careful!” Dana jumped forward to grab the falling sticks. “And what are you two doing in the supply closet? Do I need to talk to Dan?”

“We were just checking out my new glow in the dark watch.” Brandon said smiling. “Turns out it’s not glow in the dark, it’s just a watch.” Brandon and I both laughed as we slipped past Dana.

We quickly parted ways in the hallway when I saw Sid (I don’t think he saw Brandon and I together).

“Hey I’ve been looking for you,” he said with a smile.

“Uh oh, am I in trouble?” I asked with a fake pout.

“A lot of my furniture is getting delivered this afternoon and I would like your input on where stuff should go.”

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