September 5, 2013

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Sept. 5, 2013

Dear Diary,

This morning I walked into the locker room looking for Geno because I hoped he would maybe take care of Pancake for a few days until I worked out my living situation. I was not really sure what to do, or if I was even allowed to be in there. Geno wasn’t there so I sat down next to Sid to wait for him. I texted Caeleigh to ask her to find Geno and ask him about my cat. Caeleigh replied that she was with Geno (doing what?), and he couldn’t take Pancake (he already has a cat, Pancake doesn’t like other cats).

“Sid, what am I going to do with Pancake?” I asked after I told him about my conundrum.

“You’re cat’s name is Pancake? That’s pretty cool.” This was literally the first time I had noticed the guy sitting next to Sid. He was tall and looked too thin to be a hockey player, but he had attractive features.

“Hi, I’m Brandon,” he said extending his hand around Sid.

I leaned around Sid to shake his hand. “Hi, I’m Emme.”

“I know who you are,” he replied slyly, “you’re Sid’s girl.”

This caught Sid and I off guard and we both tried to deny it, but we had just spent the entire weekend together.

Still smiling, Brandon asked if the team was going to get any more skating lessons.

“I don’t know,” I looked at Sid and he shook his head, “probably not, but if you’d like a private lesson I’m available.” I added with a smile.

I stopped because realized I was flirting (something I’m not very good at) with Brandon right in front of Sid (literally, he was in between us), and I could tell he didn’t like it. This is very unlike me; I actually do not know what came over me today. Maybe I’m just so used to having a repressive boyfriend, that when I flirt with another guy it feels horrible? I felt guilty because Sid and I had been spending time together, but I am not looking for a boyfriend. I think I’m still getting used to being single, that’s all. It’s been a while, and Cam was my first real boyfriend.

“I can take your cat.” Brandon offered. “I grew up on a farm, we always had barn cats and stuff. And I’m not afraid of cats,” he added nudging Sid with his elbow as Sid gave him a look.

“Really? You’ll take Pancake for me?” I was so happy I wouldn’t have to bring her to the shelter, even if it was only until I found somewhere to live.

“Can I bring her over tonight?” The Woodcombs were friends of my parents and were nice enough to let me live with them (rent free), but they were very insistent that Pancake leave today before Timmy got another scratch.

Brandon offered to drive me home after practice (I still don’t have a car) so we could bring Pancake to his house. Pancake was not very happy to back into her carrier, but once we got to Brandon’s, she wouldn’t get out. Brandon helped me set up Pancake’s food and stuff while we waited for her to get out of her carrier (each time I reached in she would hiss at me).

I smiled sheepishly at Brandon. “She’s just shy, I promise she won’t murder you in your sleep.”

Brandon laughed. “Actually,” I added “I can’t promise that.”

Brandon and I talked and laughed for the next hour-ish until Pancake finally came out of her carrier. Surprisingly she jumped up on Brandon’s lap and sat down, purring. We stared at each other in shock/amusement as he gingerly petted her.

“I have had Pancake since I was 9, and I don’t think she has ever taken to someone so quickly.” I said smiling, “It must be a sign.”

“Yeah?” He asked with a smirk. “What kind of sign?” Pancake jumped off his lap and ran away to find her food.

“I guess that’s a sign you should bring me home?” I said checking my phone, though I didn’t want to leave. “It’s almost 10:30, and I have class tomorrow.”

“Class? You go to school?” He asked.

“Yeah I’m in high school,” I joked, though I think he believed me.

“Seriously?” He asked.

“Oh my God no, do I look like I’m 16? I’m in grad school, I’m 22.” We both laughed as we got into his car.

“Grad school, what are you studying?” He asked, and I told him about my undergraduate degree in English from UMaine, and that I was getting a masters of arts in literary and cultural studies at CMU. He looked confused at that last part, so I explained that was just reading a lot of books and stuff.

“Wow, so you’re smart?” he asked.

I shook my head. “No, if I was smart I would have studied something useful, like science, or engineering, or business like my ex boyfriend Cam.”

I hadn’t meant to say that last part, it just sort of slipped out, but I was so comfortable talking with Brandon. I also didn’t realize that we were at the Woodcombs and I should probably leave. I leaned in to give him a hug and thank him for taking Pancake, but he turned at the last second and kissed me on the cheek, but kind of close to my mouth (like maybe he meant to kiss my on the mouth??!?!). I’m pretty sure that’s not the standard Canadian (I’m pretty sure he’s Canadian) way of saying good bye, so it must have been an actual kiss. I looked at him, not really sure what to say, so I smiled and said “see you tomorrow,” as I got out of the car.

I miss Pancake, but at least I have a reason to visit Brandon. : ) and maybe I can figure out what that kiss meant.

Yours Truly,


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