June 16 2014

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June 12, 2014

Dear Diary,

One month! One more month with these two tiny human beings stuck inside of me! I am getting so tired of being pregnant. I feel like Jupiter.

Brandon and I are at his lake house in Alberta and I love it! I never realized how beautiful (and big) Canada is.

I've been pretty tired since we got here, but when I was feeling up to it he showed me around a bit. We went to the Sutter farm and saw the cows (baby cows are so cute!) and I got to meet a lot of his family. He showed me where the Red Deer Rebels play, and while we were there we ran into his dad and Mark.

"Brent, so nice to see you again!" I said as he leaned in to give me a hug.

"Wow, you have gotten so big," he said patting my stomach. "Twins, eh?"

"Yeah, twins," I replied.

"I guess it runs in the family," he said.

I looked at Brandon, "What?" (Does Brandon have a secret twin?)

"Two of my uncles are twins," Brandon explained.

"Wow, I guess more than just hockey runs in this family," I responded, trying to make a joke but Brandon and Mark both knew the other twin was actually a Staal.

His dad laughed, "Will we see you guys tonight for dinner?" He asked on his way out.

"Yeah we'll be there," Brandon replied.

"Dinner?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it's nothing formal, but you will get to meet the rest of my family," Brandon said with a smile, but I was not smiling. I felt kind of embarrassed meeting his family, mostly because I'm his pregnant girlfriend.

That night I tried not to stand out, but (as I said) it's hard to hide when you are the size of a small country. I ended up sitting in a corner, trying to hide, but all of his aunts and uncles and cousins had to come over and introduce themselves at least once (there was a lot of drinking). I told Brandon he didn't have to sit with me, so after a while he left to talk to some cousins he hadn't seen in a while. I didn't mind sitting alone, but his sister sat with me after a few minutes.

"Did my brother abandon you?" She asked.

I laughed, "yeah it looks like it," I joked.

"I'd offer to get you something to drink, but I guess you can't drink anything here but water," she laughed. "Mind if I sit with you for a while?"

"Yeah, I'd love that." She walked around the table to sit next to me.

"So, what's up?" she said setting her beer down and turning to face me.

"Not much; just, you know, being pregnant and all," I smiled. "How are you?"

"I've been busy with college and volleyball, but that's boring. I want to know what's up with you. Last time I saw you, you were dating Sidney Crosby, and now you're pregnant with my brother's baby."

"With his baby?"

"Yes, I know about Eric Staal, Mark told me."

"Oh," I looked down. (What else had Mark told her?)

"No, it's okay," she reassured me, "Sorry, I wasn't trying to be mean or anything. I actually think it's kind of cool in a way. You've combined two famous hockey families."

I laughed, "I hadn't thought of it that way. Wait, your whole family doesn't know, do they?"

"No, just Mark and I; I know you and Brandon want to keep it a secret."

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