October 5, 2013

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Sept. 29, 2013

Dear Diary,

Sid came back from their win in Detroit to find me waiting for him in his bed. I had been thinking about it ever since I watched the game with Caeleigh the night before. I don’t know what has gotten into me, but lately I feel like a cat in heat. Probably just that new medicine.

“I could really get used to finding you in my bed,” Sid said slipping into bed next to me. He lay on his side admiring me for a few minutes.

“I’m not here to just sleep next to you,” I said trying to hurry things up a bit.

Sid laughed, “Oh I know why you’re here,” he said as he started to reach into the drawer of his nightstand for a condom, but I slapped his hand.

“No!” I said pretending to scold him. “Allergy? Remember?”

“That’s going to take a while to get used to,” he said as he rolled over next to me, “I mean, as a guy that’s something you worry about even before you start having sex. But now, this is like we’re in a committed relationship or something.”

“Yeah but we’re not.” I felt the need to remind him.

“In Detroit I woke up thinking that you were next to me for some reason,” he sighed and looked at me, “It was kind of nice.”

“Why? Was there some other girl in bed with you?” Why would he tell me this? We’re supposed to be having sex right now."

“What?” He looked offended, “No, I don’t do that.”

“I wouldn’t have a problem with you sleeping with other girls. I mean, you’re famous and girls seem to like you.”

He looked at me confused for a moment, “I know it’s not my business, but if I asked would you tell me if you were sleeping with anyone else? I mean, we’re having unprotected sex, we need to be careful about, you know, diseases and stuff.”

I laughed, “Oh Sid, we need to be careful about a lot of things now. But yeah, I would tell you if I was, just maybe not who.”

“Why? Would it be anyone I know?”

“Might be. Or maybe I’m sleeping with a girl and I don’t want you to know I’m bisexual.” I tried not to laugh, but his face was ridiculously cute. I have way too much fun messing with him.

“You’re-what?” He started laughing.

“I’m just kidding! I’m not bi, I am 100% interested in men,” he was actually giggling like a little boy now. Why are straight men so interested in lesbians? “Can we just have sex and not talk about stuff?” At least he wasn’t worrying about who I was sleeping with anymore.

I had to wait a few minutes for him to stop giggling, but we did finally have sex.

Things were a little different around Consol now that the pre-season games were over. Things were starting to get serious and the last few extra players were going to have to get cut. That lame construction that started a few weeks ago was supposed to be done by the start of the regular season, but due to some architectural miscalculations the ice girls’ new locker room would not have an entrance. (?) They somehow decided the only place structurally possible to put a door into it was through the guy’s locker room. Consol is a pretty new building so I don’t even know why they needed to make renovations. But because of this mishap, we were given official Penguins ice girl bathrobes (that have our names on them!) to wear between our locker room and showers so we don’t have to wear just a towel.

I’m not sure, but I think this is going to lead to somewhere bad… or good?

Things were also starting to change around Crosby Castle (as I have named it, because it is the biggest house I have ever lived in)

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