March 27 2015

33 1 0

March 9, 2015

Dear Diary,

I got my brace off!!! I've been going to swimming therapy and that's really helping, but I still have to wear a walking brace thingy. But at least I don't have to use crutches anymore!!!

At first it was frustrating, having to sit out the games and watch the ice girls skate, but I've really enjoyed watching the games with the wags. I'm completely caught up on all the gossip, and I swear, they are like the CIA or something...the secrets they know about people, it's crazy. How do they even know all of that? I've never been interested in gossip, but they make it so interesting!

After a few weeks I was one of the 'regular wags' who came to all the games, and I started sitting up at the front of the box with the captain's wife. She and I and Christina and Amber even get coffee sometimes. It's weird. It's like I've been accepted into a higher level of their society. Tabea and I have actually gotten really close; oddly, we bonded over being the captain's wife/girlfriend. It all started when she brought up having to go to some event with Joe and I laughed and said I remembered doing stuff like that with Sid.

"I bet you don't miss that," she said with a laugh.

"Hell no! I hated just being 'his date' or whatever, and having to do stupid stuff like that. You're good at it, though," I smiled back at her, feeling a little embarrassed about talking about my ex boyfriend (aka, hockey superstar Sidney Crosby. Ugh.)

"I've had a few years to practice, and who knows, maybe you'll be a captain's wife one day," she said, sounding a little mysterious, but before I could ask her what the hell she meant, a fight broke out in the game far below us. It was between Tommy Wingels and Erik Gudbranson, and the odds were not in Tommy's favor. A girl from the back of the room rushed forward and pressed her face against the glass.

"Tommy!" She yelled and curled her fingers into a fist. I looked at her closely and realized she was the girl I'd seen at the Sharks' family skate at New Years. I'd probably seen her a few times since then, but she didn't stand out, and looked pretty much like any of the other wags. At least now I knew who she was with.

Tommy and Erik both got 2 minutes in the box for roughing, and they both appeared to be fine. The girl relaxed a little and went back to her seat, but she looked uneasy, and a little embarrassed for suddenly calling out.

"It's okay, hun, we all feel like that when one of our guys gets in a fight, or takes a hard hit," Melissa leaned over and rested her hand on the girl's arm.

When the game resumed I pulled Tabea out into the hall with me to 'get some food.'

"Who is she?" I whispered.

"Tommy's girl," she replied, not sounding too happy.


"She's the one who broke up with him at the beginning of the season. Right before Christmas she decided she wanted to get back together with him, and he for some reason said yes," Tabea explained. "There were rumors that she needed money or something, but of course Tommy is too sweet to say no."

"Wait, the blonde girl he and I saw in the grocery store? The one he wanted to make jealous so he kissed me?!" As I thought about it some more, I could kind of see the resemblance between those two girls, but she looked different.

"Yeah, she died her hair, or went back to her natural color or something, but she's 'starting over' or whatever," Tabea rolled her eyes. She'd seen this kind of thing before, but there's nothing you can do. If Tommy wants to date her, that's fine. And I really can't judge her, considering what I've done.

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