October 15 2017

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After three years of dating and people asking when we're going to get married, Brandon and I finally did it! It was one of those things where we thought 'why not?' and just did it. It was after we went to one of his cousin's weddings. At the reception, his relatives had to ask us when we were getting married, like they do every year. Jokingly, Brandon said we were already married. The elderly great aunt (I can't remember her name) was embarrassed, and thought she'd forgotten that or something.

We giggled, Brandon and I, but stopped and started to look serious, as if we were both thinking the same thing; that maybe we were finally ready for this.

Without breaking eye contact, he held my hand in both of his and smiled. I knew what he was doing, and I could feel happy tears forming in my eyes. It surprised me that I reacted that way, since it's not something I've dreamed about my whole life, or anything l like that. I was just happy.

"Emme," Brandon started, and I nodded. "Will you marry me?" He started laughing before he could finish, and I leaned forward to hug him.

"Yes," I said after kissing him on the cheek. We both laughed, like it was some kind of inside joke, and in a way it was. We had been doing things backwards, and we finally go to the point where we'd be going forward.

Not wanting to waste any more time before getting married, we started planning immediately. It was June, and we hoped to be able to do it before the season started. We just wanted something small; a few close friends, family, maybe some of his teammates. The next few months were hectic, but his mother, Chloe, my mother, and I got everything planned in time. And it was perfect.

The morning of, I was nothing but happy. I stood in front of a mirror in Brandon's grandparents house and adjusted my veil, deep in thought. I was suddenly interrupted by a shriek.

"Mommy!" Ellie screamed, and she ran up to me, smiling in her cute flower girl dress.

"Hey princess! Are you ready?" I asked, bending down to hug her. Ellie smiled and nodded, so happy to be wearing a pretty dress and to be the first one to walk down the aisle.

Maria followed her in shortly to retrieve her. "Come on girls, get your flower's ready, it's time!" She said, and Ellie and Burgundy squealed with happiness. I watched them from a distance as they scattered flower petals on the grass down the aisle, and Teddy, carrying the rings on a pillow. They were followed by my two bridesmaids, Maria and Chloe, and finally my maid of honor, Caeleigh.

Everyone stood up and turned to look at me. My brother escorted my down the aisle and gave me an awkward hug before handing me off to Brandon. I could not take my eyes off Brandon! He looked so handsome in his suit, and so did his groomsmen. His best man was Mark, of course, followed by Eric Staal, and then my brother. We kept it small, and it was so perfect.

The reception flew by, mostly because we were all drinking, and then we flew off to our honeymoon. We went to Italy for a few days and did nothing but drink wine and eat. Well, Brandon had to stay in shape, since the season started a few weeks after, so he was a little more careful, but I took advantage of the delicious Italian food and endless supply of wine.

When we returned, we had a few days in Alberta to pack before we moved back to California for the season. When we arrived in San Jose, our new neighbors, Caeleigh and Freddie, were already there and helped us move in. Now that Freddie has signed a four year contract with the Sharks, he and Caels bought a house in San Jose, and it's right next to ours!!!

Now that the season has started, things are starting to feel a little more normal. Well, almost normal. Last week, Caeleigh and I both discovered we're pregnant, and we're both due around the same time!

Things could not get much better! Brandon and I are so happy, and the twins are happy, and Caeleigh and Freddie are happy; life is good. Four years ago, when I first moved to Pittsburgh, I never thought I could be this content with life, and I never expected to find the man of my dreams, who I now get to spend the rest of my life with.

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