August 30 2014

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August 30, 2014

Dear Diary,

Moving is so complicated. It was so much easier when it was just me and a suitcase. Now I have two little babies, and all of their stuff. Why do such small things need so much stuff?

Chloe saved my life by offering to come with me; I wasn't about to fly to California alone with two babies. She has to leave tomorrow, and I'll be so sad without her, but she promises to visit. But I have Brandon now. I didn't realize how much I missed him until I was in his arms again.

"You want to see the rest of the house?" He asked me. We were still standing in the entryway, my face pressed against his chest, arms tightly wrapped around him.

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

"You know who else I missed?" He asked, peeling me off. "This guy," he took Teddy from his sister and held him, talking to him quietly. "Hey little guy, daddy missed you."

It was so cute I cried. I really tried not to be emotional, but I will never get over seeing them together, my two boys.

"Why don't we put them in their new nursery?" Brandon asked as he led me upstairs. I was very excited to see how it turned out. That was the one room I really cared most about and had spent the most time planning. I wanted it to be a neutral, non-gender specific theme, so I went with yellow and green.

And it looked fantastic. Their cribs and everything were already set up, just waiting for Ellie and Teddy.

"This was the first room we finished, and I sat in here every night, thinking about what it would be like once they were here," he looked a little sad as he said that, and picturing it made me start to cry again, just a little.

"But it's okay now, they're both here, and you're here," he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. We stood there for a few minutes until Chloe politely cleared her throat, reminding us that she was there too. (I had completely forgotten about her)

"Can we see the rest of the house?" She asked. We put Teddy and Ellie in their cribs and continued our tour of the house. It looked so different now that it had furniture (our furniture) and new colors and floors. It was perfect.


The next day I met some of the team and the WAGs. I was nervous about it because I really wanted to make a good impression, mostly for Brandon's sake. I want him to be able to stay here and find a good spot on this team, and his five year contract hasn't been finalized yet, so I really didn't want to mess this up for him.

I think everything went okay.

First, we were given two tiny Sharks jerseys for the twins that said 'Sutter 16' on the back. They were very cute, though a little big. We didn't bring Teddy and Ellie with us, it wasn't really that kind of thing, but I know they will wear them to their first game.

I recognized a couple of the guys from the Olympics, like Patrick Marleau (how could I forget those eyebrows?) and that guy with two first names, neither of which I can remember.

Unfortunately, some of them recognized me from the Olympics as well. In Sochi, I was there as Sid's girlfriend, and you don't have to be a math expert to realize I probably got pregnant with Brandon's children when I was with Sid.

If any of the guys noticed that they didn't say anything, however some of the wags kept giving me looks. They were all going to get their nails done while the guys were at practice, and they somewhat reluctantly invited me to go.

I mostly hung around Brandi, TK's girlfriend, because she's the only person I know, and I knew she probably didn't hate me. They were nice and asked how we were settling into San Jose, but I could tell they were a little reserved about getting too friendly. After they got their nails done, a bunch of them were going to the mall together, but I had to get home. Brad Stuart's wife Melissa offered to drive me home because she also had to get back to her kids.

"I can't imagine having twins; it was hard enough with one at a time," she commented as we drove home.

"Yeah, it is hard, but his sister is staying with us for a while, so that's helpful." I was trying to make friendly conversation, but I couldn't think of anything to talk about other than the weather. The weather is actually very nice; not too hot, and it's always sunny (so different from Pittsburgh).

"Emme, I feel like I should 'warn' you," she paused before continuing. "I know that you have a bit of a ....history, but that doesn't bother me. What I'm worried about is my husband, Bradley. He's terrific with the kids and I love him, but he has a weakness for, um, people like you."

People like me?

"You mean blondes?" I asked, even though knew what she meant.

"No, no, um..."

"Ice girls?"

"Kind of, but no. I mean girls who... like hockey players." That's a nice way of putting it, Mel. "I know you lived with Sid, and slept with James Neal-"

"Yeah, but who hasn't slept with Neal," I added, and to my surprise she laughed. (I think we're going to get along, despite this awkward 'warning').

"That's true; even out here on the West coast there are girls saying he's slept with them. But," she got back to the point, "I just wanted to warn you because he's been traded a bunch of times, and in each city he's found a girl, except in San Jose. Well, that's not true; when he played here the first time he did have a girl, but that was me, so it's different." She smiled at the memory, and I could tell she really did love him, despite everything.

Kind of like how Brandon has gotten over all the different guys I slept with, including his brother.

The rest of the ride home we talked about their two kids and the twins. When she dropped me off, she came in to see them for a while. I think she and I are definitely going to be friends.


Caeleigh called me a few days ago in tears. She said when she returned to Pittsburgh she found Geno with another girl!!

What? Geno, no, don't do that. : (

So she's living with her sister, and I told her she could stay with us if she needed to get out of Pittsburgh for a while. She seemed very excited about living in Cali back when Brandon was getting traded, so I think she might be staying with us for a little longer than a visit.

After returning from Canada, I guess she was going to visit her parents for a few days, decided to surprised Geno by coming home a few days early. He had 'some Russian whore' (her words, not mine) on the kitchen counter and she was completely naked except for Caeleigh's cute apron she wears when baking.

There had apparently been some tension between them lately anyway. He wasn't too happy that she didn't want to spend the whole summer with him in Russia, instead leaving to help me with the twins. He's still upset at what I did to Sid, (and rightfully so) and I guess he didn't like that she was siding with me, or something?

She'll be here in a few days, and I'm excited to see her again, but I'm sad that it has to be under these circumstances. I don't really think she wants to try to get back together with him, so I guess that means I can set her up with one of Brandon's new teammates, right? (I think Logan Couture is single...)


I'm so happy right now! The house looks great, we're moved in completely, Cael's will be here in a few days, and everything is going well!

So happy : D



P.S.: This makes me think that something bad is going to happen.

I shouldn't say that.

A/N: I wrote a new book (a love story) if anyone wants to read it it's on Amazon:

Thanks! : )

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