May 25 2014

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May 25, 2014

Dear Diary,

After last night's loss, the Pens are now out of the playoffs. Brandon was sad and disappointed, so I tried to console him the only way I knew how to: with sex and food.

He was still in bed when I got back from driving Mark to the airport, so I brought him some of his favorite pancakes. However, he was interested in something else.

"Can we just cuddle for a bit?" He asked, and I crawled into bed next to him. He rolled me on my side and curled up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. I was so warm and comfortable and started to fall asleep, until I vaguely became aware of him trying to take my clothes off.

"Brandon, what are you doing?" I looked back at him with a smirk.

"Shh, it's okay," he smiled and went back to taking my panties off.

I laughed, "You don't even want breakfast first?"

"Come on, it's been a while, and now that Mark's gone we're alone," he whispered into my ear and tried to moisten me up.

I thought about it for a minute, "Okay, why not. Just be careful."

"I always am," he said as he slid into me.

He was great, as always, but I couldn't help noticing the similarities between him and Mark. Is that kind of thing genetic?

I don't know, but it kept distracting me. That, and the mini-contractions I have every time I get close to climaxing. I haven't told Brandon about them because it doesn't happen too often, and I don't want him to worry about it. Besides, this kind of thing is normal, and I don't want him to think we can't have sex any more. I'm not okay with any of the alternatives (for sex), especially given the fact that I can't give blow job's with my TMJ. Also, we probably won't get many chances to have sex after the twins are born, so why not do it now?

He already worries too much. He doesn't show it, but I know he's worried.

One thing he won't have to worry about much longer is which team he's going to.

Now that the season is over his contract will be up in two days, so we'll find out if he's getting traded, or if he can sign with another team. After learning from Mark about the teams he's most likely to go to, I still stand behind my choices of a California team. I'm trying not to get too attached, but I've started looking at houses, and which neighborhood is best to live in and has the nicest schools.

I know, I'm getting a little ahead of things, but I'm really anxious to find out where we're going to live.

And to get out of Pittsburgh.




May 31, 2014

Dear Diary,

I am writing this from Caeleigh's guest bedroom, well, Geno's but I'm Caeleigh's guest.

Why? Because Brandon was not as 'chill' as Mark said he was about his older brother sleeping with his girlfriends.

I hadn't actually planned on telling him, not then at least, but it kind of came out.

We were eating dinner and I decided to ask him about the girlfriend he 'stole' from Mark.

"He told you about that?" he asked, looking very surprised.

"Yeah, though he said she was just interested in you because you were going to play in the NHL and he wasn't," I explained.

"Oh, yeah that was part of it. Also, he cheated on her a couple of times."

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