January 2014

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Jan. 2, 2013

Dear Diary,

I can’t believe it’s 2014 already! My New Year’s resolution is to be a better girlfriend to Sid and to stop thinking about Brandon.

Sid and I watched the winter classic game between the Red Wings and the Maple Leafs. It was nice to actually watch a game with him, and not just watch him playing.

He kept telling me how awesome it was to play outside and about the outdoor games the Pen’s had played in. They have an outdoor game in Chicago in March that he’s really excited about.

I was pretty out of it though, after the night before. We went out with Caeleigh and Geno and a bunch of the guys after they returned from their game in New Jersey (which they sadly lost). I feel weird drinking around Sid, so I didn’t have more than one drink. I don’t know why, maybe it’s because he doesn’t drink much. I still had fun though, and I didn’t see Brandon making out with any girls (actually I didn’t see him at all) so I didn’t freak out about that. Sid and I kissed at midnight, it was very cute!

He and I went to Consol yesterday for practice, and after practice I taught him how to figure skate. Or I tried to.

He insisted on wearing his helmet incase he fell over.

“You don’t want me to get another concussion, do you?” He asked smiling.

“Sid, you’re not going to fall over. We’re just doing some basic stuff.” I said pulling him onto the ice. “Besides, it’s not like you don’t know how to skate.”

We only skated for half an hour, and he did okay, but I could tell he was tired. Maybe next time we won’t skate right after he has practice.

Today Caeleigh and I spent the day choreographing for the next few games. I think Kate is realizing that Caels and I are better skaters then her because a lot of our stuff recently has sort of featured me or Caeleigh while the rest of the ice girls are kind of like our back up dancers. It’s kind of weird how much people have gotten into watching us skate. Also, I’m pretty sure I saw someone wearing a Saxon 87 jersey at the last game. I guess the video of Caeleigh and I playing hockey with the guys was on the Pen’s website and now that’s kind of a thing.

Not sure how I feel about that.

And my family is visiting next week. Sid suggested they come down for their game on the 5th against the Jets before I could even ask him. He even offered to pay for their flights and got them really nice rooms at a fancy hotel. I was very glad he didn’t think of asking them to stay here, in his house, with us. That would have been awkward.

Sadly, I am not looking forward to it. I’m not sure why; nothing bad could really happen from them meeting. But they fly in tomorrow, Saturday, and they’ll leave Sunday night after the game.




Jan. 6, 2014

Dear Diary,

Sid has offered to pay for the rest of my grad school. I was kind of shocked, but I think it’s because I was contemplating dropping out. I’m not sure I would be okay with that, but I have a few more weeks to think about it before signing up for classes.

We’ll see.


“Have you seen the new guy? They just got him from the Rangers,” I asked Caeleigh as we put our skates on before Friday’s game.

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