October 23, 2013

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Oct. 14, 2013

Dear Diary,

Caeleigh came over to watch the two Pens games in Florida. Because we couldn’t go to Florida, we decided to have a Florida ‘beach’ party in Sid’s living room. We wore bathing suits and sat on beach towels and drank pina coladas.

The Pens ended up losing their first game against the Panthers 3-6 and winning the second one against the Lightning 5-4 (which was exactly what I said to Brandon, oops looks like I did jinx them).

Halfway through the second game I finally decided to tell Caeleigh that Sid had asked me out. She had been talking about how happy she and Geno were now that they had graduated from pseudo-dating to real dating. She did stuff with the WAGs and he took her out to dinner, and he was so happy to have her. And she was more than happy to be with him.

To shut her up I told her what Sid had said. She actually screamed and began shaking.

“OH MY GOD!!!! How did you not say yes to him immediately!!!!” She was starting to hyperventilate.

“Calm down, Caels,” I said pouring her another glass of wine. “I told you, I’m not ready to date him yet. I just need some time.”

“It’s been nearly a week, isn’t that enough time?”

“I don’t know,” I sighed.

She began to calm down and think more clearly. “Okay, so you’ve thought about it, and, what is actually stopping you from saying yes?”

“I’m not ready for a boyfriend, especially the most famous hockey player in the NHL,” I replied.

“Hey, Geno is pretty famous too, and I don’t have a problem dating him,” she said with her usual sass that always made me smile.

“You and I are very different people. I’m very private and I don’t like talking to people.”

“Okay, so maybe you and Sid can try dating without being public about it, just to get used to it.” Caeleigh suggested.

“That’s really smart. And then when we’re ready we can go public.” I thought about it some more.

“Caeleigh, you are like a relationship expert,” I said to her smiling. “I don’t know what I would do without you. You're like my Oprah, ” I hugged her, and then we argued whether we should watch the Hunger Games or Twilight.


When Sid returned from Florida I was waiting for him. I was pretty nervous, I’m not sure why, but I wanted to get it over with. As soon as he walked through the door I rushed over to him.

“Hey,” he said putting his bags down. “What’s up?” He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Yes,” I said. “I’ll be your girlfriend.”

His face lit up and he looked so happy. “I don’t even know what to say I’m so happy!” He picked me up carried me over to the couch and set me down on his lap. He kissed me on the forehead, “you’re my girlfriend now.”

“Yeah, except one thing,” I explained what Caeleigh had suggested, and he seemed a little disappointed, but agreed.

“So I have to wait a while before telling everyone that I have the most amazing girlfriend ever,” He said kissing my nose.

“Hey, I may not be an amazing girlfriend, you don’t know that,” I said jokingly even though I knew it was probably true. “So, I believe you won that game last night,” I said stroking his hair. “I think there’s something we need to do?”

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