May 6 and 14 2014

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May 6, 2014

Dear Diary,

Ever since Sid told me Brandon probably wasn't going to continue playing for the Penguins I have been trying to figure out where he should play. I don't know anything about the teams, so I have based my choices on location.

"If you played for the Aves we could go skiing. Or get high, marijuana is legal in Colorado now."

"I'm sorry, you want to get high?" He asked laughing.

"No, but I'm just saying. And Colorado is pretty. Or New York, I wouldn't mind living there."

"Islanders, Rangers, or Sabres?" He asked.

"I didn't know there were three New York teams," I replied, embarrassed at my lack of knowledge of NHL teams. "What about Boston? And that's pretty close to my family."

"The Bruins already have a lot of really nice players, but Boston is a nice city. It would be nice to play in Canada somewhere," he said thoughtfully.

"What if you could play for Carolina again?" I asked him. "That would be convenient."

He laughed, "I'd love that, I really liked playing there. And we'd be near Eric, so he could see his daughter."

"That would be perfect. Any chance the Canes will take you back?" I asked hopefully.

He shook his head, "no probably not. Now that they have Jordan Staal I would still be in the bottom six."

"The what?"

"The bottom six is the third and fourth lines, and the top six is the first and second lines," he explained. "Sid didn't try to teach you everything about hockey?"

"No, he did, or he tried to, but I don't remember anything," I laughed. "So you want to go to a team that you could play on the second or first line?"

"Yeah, though I'd probably only be on the second line," he laughed. "You really don't know much about hockey do you?"

"You'd think I would, but I tended to space out whenever Sid started talking about it."

"This summer my brother and I will teach you everything you need to know about hockey," he said smiling.

"Uh oh, that sounds like a lot of work."

"No, my whole family is into hockey. My dad and my uncles all played in the NHL and my dad owns the Red Deer Rebels."

"Red Deer Rebels?" I asked.

"Yeah, I used to play for them, a long time ago," he laughed, "and my dad was our coach."

"That's so cute," I said hugging him. "I thought your family had a farm? Are they hockey farmers?"

"Yes, they farm hockey, because that's a thing in Canada," he joked.

"Wait, if basically your whole family has played in the NHL, our son is going to have to be a hockey player. And Eloise is a Staal, so she obviously has to play hockey too."

"Or she could be a figure skater like you. Or both. Though they don't have to play hockey, I'd be okay with that."

"Yes, but you teaching them to play hockey would be so cute!" I smiled and snuggled closer to him. "You're going to be a great dad."

"And you will be an excellent mom."

"You think so? Even after what I told you about not really wanting kids?" I sat up and looked at him.

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