June 7 2014

20 0 0

June 2, 2014

Dear Diary,

I finally heard from him! The day after we went to the movies (great movie by the way, even though I had to sit next to Nealsy and he kept flirting with this girl who was like, 15).

During the movie Brandon replied to the text I'd sent him earlier:

*Thanks. I have to go to San Jose for a day or two to sign stuff and whatever, and we'll talk when I get back*

That's all he said, and I didn't know how to respond at first, so I just said 'Okay, I love you' (as if he didn't already know that.)

To distract me, Caeleigh took me to the ice arena to help her practice. Even though I can't skate, she wanted me to try to teach her some new stuff.

It worked okay, me yelling at her from the sidelines, but I really wanted to skate. I didn't realize how much I missed it until I saw her out on the ice.

She sat next to me on the bench. "I brought your skates, in case you wanted to just skate around in circles or something."

"Really?" I asked starting to cheer up.

"Yeah, it was Geno's idea actually," she said taking them out of her bag.

As I put them on, I realized my ankles were swelling quite a bit, due to the fact that I'm pregnant and all. "Wow, I didn't realize my ankles were this bad."

She helped me tie them, tight enough that I wouldn't fall over, but not so tight that my feet would hurt.

"Where did you learn to skate?" She asked after a couple of minutes.

"Didn't I tell you?" I asked as I tried, but failed, to spin.

She shook her head, "Did you take lessons?"

"I did for a bit when I was younger, but it got expensive. And I hated the competitions; they were like beauty pageants, and I hated that, even when I was seven. I still skated after that, but I didn't take lessons. In college I became an ice girl at UNH because I had a class with one of the guys on the hockey team and he said I should try it. And then I wrote an essay about it for some English class, I didn't think much of it at the time, but my professor said his wife was a former Olympic figure skater and was looking for someone to coach now that she was retired."

"I remember you saying your coach was an Olympic figure skater. Did she ever win any medals? Is she someone I would have heard of?"

"Not any Olympic medals, no. Yuka Sato, she's Japanese, I don't know if you'd have heard of her. She coached Jeremy Abbott for a bit."

"Really? I love him!" She paused, "Wait, is that why we got to meet him in Sochi?"

"Yes, and she tried to get me to do some pair skating with him when she first started coaching him, but I sucked at it."

Caeleigh had a hundred questions about Jeremy, most of which I didn't know (I only skated with him for a few days). After skating, she, Geno and I went out to dinner with Nealsy again.

It's nice that they're trying to distract me, and it is helping a bit, but I just want Brandon to come back so I can fix everything. Or try to, at least.

I think he'll be back tomorrow, so we'll see.

I'm really nervous. : (




June 7, 2014

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