November 26, 2013

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Nov. 21, 2013

Dear Diary,

Ever since I got Brandon to slap me I’ve been wanting him to do it again. I think there might be something wrong with me.

Maybe it’s because I feel bad about cheating on Sid. And I need to be punished?

No, no I’m not into that kind of thing.

I feel like I have a darker, kinkier, side that comes out when I’m in bed with Brandon.


The Pens lost their game against New Jersey and the slight hand print on my face left by Brandon was gone by the time Sid returned.

They won against the Ducks 3-1 on Monday. After the game a bunch of the guys went out and a few of the ice girls went with them, so of course I went. Sid didn't want to because he had some meeting to go to early the next morning.

I really shouldn’t have gone, Caeleigh didn’t go out, but I was bored.

I told myself to not have more than one drink, and I didn’t, but I still managed to mess it up somehow.

Everything was going okay until I saw Brandon dancing with another girl.

I don’t know why, but this made me so mad.

(Well, I know why, but I’m not willing to admit it)

She was all over him and touching him and stuff and she looked so fake it just made me mad.

(and a little jealous)

So I decided to leave the other ice girls and dance with Beau, who had been drinking a lot.

And then she kissed him! My Sutter butter!

And he kissed her back : ( and then I got super mad and decided to hook up with Beau.

(I made sure Brandon could see us)

Beau didn’t seem to mind, I think he really liked it.

When I saw Brandon leave with the girl I completely lost it.

I grabbed Beau and pulled him out of the club and into a cab. I had a hard time getting Beau to give the cab driver his address (he was pretty out of it, first he said he lived in a tree house, and then he said he lived at P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, [from Finding Nemo])

I continued to make out with him and when we got to his apartment I had to drag him into his bed.

I hit him a couple of times so he would be awake enough to realize we were having sex although I ended up doing most of the work. He eventually got into it and it was actually pretty hot. He’s usually really cute and adorable, so to see him like this was weird (but in a good way).

He immediately fell asleep afterwards and I decided to go home. He might not even remember that it had happened and I just wanted to go home and shower.

I felt so gross and dirty and horrible about everything.

I don’t even know why I did that, to make Brandon jealous?

Why do I even care if he sleeps with other girls, he should after what his last girlfriend did to him.


I did not want to go to practice on Tuesday. I felt sick and guilty and I just wanted to stay in bed and wallow.

But Sid woke me up when he got back from his meeting and he made me pancakes and he was so sweet.

Why do I do this to him? He is the perfect boyfriend and all I want to do is sleep with his teammates.

We drove to practice together and I was really dreading seeing Beau. I hoped he didn’t remember last night, or at least remember the part where we slept together.

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