July 5 2014

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July 5, 2014

Dear Diary,

So, our little 'honeymoon' had to be cut short.


Because my water broke. (!!!)

We were supposed to leave the next day anyway, but on Wednesday morning, while I was alone in our hotel room, my water broke. It wasn't what I had expected; it wasn't like any of the lame stuff you see in movies, but I won't go into details. I had been experiencing minor contractions, more like tremors, for the past day or so, but my doctor had said that was normal. Brandon had gone out for a run, and he said he'd only be gone half an hour, but about ten minutes after he left it happened.

I tried calling him, but I guess he didn't have service, so I just sat on the floor and cried. That was literally the most terrified I have ever been. I tried to calm down and focus on how frequently the contractions were occurring (there's an app for that, actually).

As soon as I heard him unlocking the door to our hotel room I tried to get up, but realized I should stay on the floor.

"Brandon!" I yelled as he came in.

"What's wrong-" He stopped, frozen, and starred at me as it hit him.

"I'm okay, but, my water broke," it felt so weird saying that to him, as if it somehow made it more real.

"Oh my God Emme, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone," he said as it finally hit him that this was happening, now.

"That's okay, I'm fine," I tried to smile, but another stabbing contraction caused me to involuntarily scream in pain.

"We need to get you to the hospital," he said, his face turning pale.

He helped me up, and walked me to the car. When we got in he just sat there, not driving anywhere.


"I don't know where the nearest hospital is. I mean, we're in rural Alberta, it might be a few hours away."

"A few hours?!"

"I'll go ask the receptionist, will you be okay here?" He asked, and started to get out of the car.

I nodded and he ran back into the hotel.

While he was gone I had another contraction, and according to my app they were now five minutes apart. At first I was glad that Brandon didn't have to see me having another contraction, but I realized it was only going to get worse. Much worse.

He came running out of the hotel and got back in the car. "I was right, there aren't any hospital close enough for us to drive to, so we're going to the local doctor who apparently delivers babies all the time, according to the receptionist."

"Wait, I thought I was supposed to have a c-section?" I asked as we started driving through the little rural town.

"I don't know, but we don't really have any other options," he said, and I could tell he was just as scared as I was.

The receptionist had called the doctor to let him know we were coming, and when we got there he was waiting outside for us with a wheelchair for me.

The doctor's office looked like it might also be his house, and I'm pretty sure it was because his nurse was his wife and I thought I heard him say something about them sending their kids to their grandmother's house because they didn't want my screaming to disturb them.

Realizing I'd heard this, his wife apologized. "Don't worry, it'll be okay. You and your twins are both healthy so having a natural birth is a completely viable option. Most doctors usually suggest a c-section because it's easier, but not always necessary."

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