June 29 2014

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  June 22, 2014

Dear Diary,

After spending a couple of days shopping for baby things, I realized how much Brandon and I had missed out on by not being 'normal.' Most of the couples in the baby stores were married, or had been together for a while. I have known Brandon for less than a year and we've only been dating a month and a half.

"Brandon, everything is going to be different so soon," I said as he tried to put together one of the cribs. "Also, I think the leg is on upside down."

"That's why it won't fit," he said turning it around. "You don't sound too excited about that, I thought you couldn't wait to get them out of you?"

"I am looking forward to that, except once they are out, we'll have to deal with them."

He laughed, "Deal with them? Wow, you are really not looking forward to this."

"That's not what I meant. I mean that once they are born, we won't have as much time for us."

"Yeah, we'll be kind of busy. But you're mom will be here for a while, and you said Caeleigh wanted to visit, and obviously my family is going to help."

"I know, I just feel like we haven't had much time to be 'us'," I paused. "Do you ever think about what it would be like if I'd dated you instead of Sid?"

He sighed and looked back at me, "More than I'd like to admit. I've thought about that since Marie and I broke up, when you heroically punched Caeleigh in the face."

We both laughed, but there were undertones of sadness. "I just feel like we should be, I don't know, making up for lost time. Like, have we ever been on an actual date?"

"Yeah, there was that one time that..." he thought for a minute, "No, actually, I don't think we have."

"I feel like you should take me on a date, our first date."

He looked back at me with a grin, "I think I have the perfect idea."

"Oh really? What is it?"

"It's a surprise," he smiled, and wouldn't give me any hints as to what we were doing.


The next night he invited Chloe over to help me get dressed up while he went out to get something.

"So has he told you where we're going?" I asked her as she helped me put on my dress.

"Yes," she smiled, "and I can't tell you!"

"Which necklace do you think I should wear?" I asked as she went through my jewelry.

"I like this one," she said after looking at them all. She held up a necklace that had a sapphire pendent with two little diamonds on either side of it.

"Oh, um..." I didn't really know what to say.

"What's wrong with it? It goes with your eyes so well," she said holding it up to my face.

"Sid gave that to me for Christmas."

"Oh," she put it back in its box. "That's too bad, it's a nice necklace."

"I know, but I probably shouldn't wear it on my 'first' date with Brandon," I sighed, it was a nice necklace and I really hadn't had the chance to wear it, or the earrings he gave me for my birthday. Maybe I'll give them away, because I don't feel okay wearing either of them.

"Okay, so what about this one?" She held up the amethyst necklace my grandmother had given me when I graduated from high school. "Is this from an ex boyfriend?"

"No, that one's perfect," I said laughing.

Fifteen minutes later she was just finishing up my make up when there was a knock on the front door.

"Why is Brandon knocking on his own door?" I asked her as I walked to the door to open it.

When I opened the door, Brandon was standing there in a suit with a bouquet flowers. I took his picture, I wanted to chronicle the night with as many pictures as possible (without being obnoxious).

"Brandon, this is so beautiful!" I smiled and took the flowers.

"Thank you, I thought if I was going to take you on a first date, I should do it properly," he smiled.

Chloe took the flowers from me, "Let me put these in a vase for you, I think you have a reservation to meet."

He took my arm in his and led me to the car.

"Are you excited for our first date?" He asked as we started driving.

"Yeah, I just wish I knew where we were going," I replied, and he just smiled.

"We'll be there soon."

We drove to the lake and he led me down a dock toward a big boat that looked kind of like those boats people took tours of lakes on, except fancier. Like a mini Titanic. (I love that movie!)

We were led to a table next to a window.

"This is so cool," I said as we sat down. "There was a boat like this near my hometown that tours a lake; I've never ridden on it, but it always looked so beautiful out on the lake."

"I'm glad you like this," he smiled, "I've only been on here once and that was for a wedding reception."

Soon after we ordered the boat started to move. I stared out the window most of the time, admiring the nice summer houses on the lake.

Brandon laughed every time I pointed out a nice house, "I've seen these before, you know. I come out on the lake all the time."

"Oh, I forgot you have a boat, also you probably don't care about pretty houses as much as I do," I responded with an embarrassed smile.

"Yes, and one of those 'pretty houses' is mine."

"Are we going to see it?" I asked.

"Yeah, why don't we go up to the first deck, we can see it better from there."

He led me up a fancy set of stairs and over to the railing on the starboard side so we could look for his house.

"I don't know why I'm so excited to see it, I live there," I laughed as I searched for his boat among the docks in front of each house.

He put his arm around me and turned me a little, "There it is," he pointed.

His house was mostly hidden by trees, but I could see his dock and boat. I looked a little closer, "I think there's a light on in your house."

"I think you're right; that's weird," he said taking out his phone, "can you text Chloe and ask if she's still there? I'm going to call Mark."

I texted Chloe, and no, she was not there and had turned all of the lights off.

"Hey Mark, are you at my house?" he asked, and I could hear Mark responding, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. "Oh, um, okay."

He hung up, but didn't say anything to me.

"So, not burglars?" I asked, trying to figure out what was going on.

He laughed, but it was an annoyed laugh, "No, Mark brought a girl home, like, to my house."

"What?" I laughed, "Doesn't he live near here?"

"He said his house was 'too far away' and apparently he told her it was his house," he turned to look at me, "So I guess we won't be going home tonight."

"Oh, it's going to be that kind of first date," I joked.

"I'm sorry, this was going so well," he said pulling me over to a bench to sit with him. "I could ask him to leave if you want."

"No, actually I think this could be fun," I said, starting to get an idea.

He looked at me with a (cute) confused look.

"We could stay at a hotel, somewhere nice that you've always wanted to stay but never had an excuse to because you live across the lake."

"You are a genius," he said with a smile and took out his phone to find a hotel.

We spent the rest of the boat ride laughing, wondering what Mark was up to, then realizing we didn't want to know.

"As long as he doesn't break any of my furniture," Brandon joked as we got off the boat.

"So where are we staying?" I asked.

"That is also a surprise, but I got us a very nice room. Kind of expensive, but you're worth it," he said.

I almost started crying when we checked in, from laughing and from general emotional-ness.

"And what name is the room registered under?" The guy at the front desk asked.

"Darcy," he replied, and I nearly lost it.

"Alright Mr. Darcy, here's your key, do you need any help with your luggage?"

"No, we don't have any, but thank you," Brandon replied taking they key and pushing me toward the elevator.

As soon as the door closed I burst out laughing and hugged him so tight his back cracked.

"You are going to suffocate me," he said peeling me off.

"You are so cute and adorable!" I buried my face in his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Did I get the name right?" He asked.

"Yes," I looked up at him, trying not to cry too much, "And I am so happy you remembered that 'Pride and Prejudice' was the first movie we watched together."

We walked to the room hand in hand as I fought back tears. Mr. Darcy, that's so cute.

The room was so nice, nicer than any hotel room I had ever stayed in or even seen. The first thing I did was lay down in the middle of the giant bed. "This is so comfortable!"

"You know what I just realized?" He said sitting down on the end of the bed next to me. "We don't have any clothes."

I smiled mischievously, "That's okay, we don't need clothes." I sat up and tried to unzip my dress but failed. "Can you help me with this?"

I turned around and he finished unzipping my dress and helped me take it all the way off. I kicked off my shoes and took off my matching bra and panties.

"It's your turn," I said sitting down next to him.

"You want me to strip for you?" He joked.

"No, actually," I paused, "I want to do it."

He looked a little surprised, but he let me do it. I took off his jacket and undid his tie, then removed his shoes. I unbuckled his belt and then took his pants off. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, and I was about to take it off, when his phone buzzed.

I took it out of his pants pocket, "It's Mark. He wants to know why you didn't tell him there was baby stuff all over our room."

We both laughed, "I wonder if his date left after seeing that," I mused, as I texted him.

He replied a few seconds later, "Nope, apparently she liked it."

"Eww," Brandon replied making a face, "I don't want to think about that."

"Yeah, do you just want to watch a movie or something?" I asked suddenly not want to have sex.

"Yeah, if that's what you want," he replied, but I could clearly see he wanted to do something else.

Just to make him feel awkward, and because I was already naked, I made him take the rest of his clothes off.

We climbed into bed and found the perfect movie to watch, 'Love Actually' (one of my favorite movies, and Brandon hadn't seen it!) (Actually, I'm not surprised he hadn't seen it).

We did end up having sex, after we forgot about Mark and the weird girl he had brought to Brandon's.

As we were falling asleep that night I got an idea for Eloise's middle name: Darcy.

It's prefect, right?




June 29, 2014

Dear Diary,

A few days after returning from our 'first' date I got an idea.

"Brandon, we should go on a honeymoon," I said at breakfast, and he almost spit out his orange juice.

"I'm sorry, a what?"

"Well, not a honeymoon in the traditional sense, but like a pre-twins getaway," I explained, but he still had not gotten over the initial shock. "This is our last chance to do stuff on our own for at least eighteen years, you know."

He swallowed, and thought for a minute; he still had that adorable scared/surprised/shocked look on his face. "I hadn't thought of it like that."

"Personally, I would like to go to Europe, but we can't travel that far this close to the due date, so I was thinking we could do something around here."

"Like what?" He asked, still kind of shocked.

"I don't know, but think about it."

And he did; a couple days later he had come up with a very exciting adventure for us: a road trip.

At first I wasn't too thrilled about it, because being almost nine months pregnant with twins means I have to pee every half hour, and that's not an exaggeration (I wish it was).

He assured me that it wouldn't be a problem, because it would give us a chance to stop at every gas station, rest area, and whatever, and we could see places we would normally drive past.

I was surprised, that was actually a good idea.

So we have been on the road, driving around Alberta for the past two days. I have seen so many beautiful things and quaint rural towns, and I have taken so many pictures with Brandon.

I love being a tourist! We have done the usual touristy things, but also tried the non-conventional, off the beaten path, kind of things. I've seen some pretty cool stuff, and I'm starting to fall (more) in love with Canada. And Brandon.

I asked him about the middle name Darcy for Eloise. At first he thought I was joking.

"Eloise Darcy Sutter?" He said with a smile, but quickly realized I was serious.

"Yes, I thought of it when we were at the hotel the other night, and I realized it was perfect," I said leaning into him.

"Darcy," He said as he thought about it, "It is a nice name. I'll think about it."

I smiled, because I knew he'd come round to it.


I haven't had much time to write because I don't want Brandon to see me writing in my diary and we've been together pretty much every minute since leaving.

He's gone to the store because I 'had a craving' for apples, so I have about twenty minutes.

I don't actually have that much to write. Most of the stuff we've done has been chronicled in pictures, so I'm not going to write about it.

Actually, I kind of miss him.

I'm so lame.

We have a few more days of our trip, maybe a week, I can't remember.

It should be fun!



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