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Monsters are real
Demons are too.
There always there,
Trying to get you.
They're not in the woods,
Or under your bed.
They sleep in your mind,
They reside in your head.
You can't win but you can fight,
Try to survive,
It's your only right.
Sooner or later it will end.
Who will be the winner?
That will depend,
On how strong you are.
Not everyone lives,
Through the constant war.
Demons are real.
I know it's a sin,
But no matter your strength,
They always win.

My name is Persephone Jackson.

After the war with Gaea, I haven't been the same. The war cost me greatly. We won, but it feels like we lost. It took too much energy. Andrew (male Annabeth) seems different towards me. I feel like we aren't the couple we were before. He seems distant, and why wouldn't he? We both know that we aren't the same people. He is stronger than me. He always has been. After Tartarus,that excruciating final battle. I will go back home to my 'normal' life for the school year.

I live with my step-father Gabe (AN I changed it for t he story). He killed my mother when I was ten and somehow didn't get in trouble for it. Gabe is an abusive drunk who doesn't care about me. My mom only married him to protect me from monsters. I think its ironic that she had to bring a monster into our house to keep the other monsters away. I don't know what kind of monster is worse.

This year I am going to a school called Midtown High School. I hope I don't get into too much trouble this year. I also hope that I can make good friends.

Out of the blew one day, my long lost uncle calls me. He says that my mother was his sister and he was looking for her ever since he found out she didn't die with their parents. Everyone seems to know who he is, except me. His name is Tony Stark and he is part of a group called the Revengers or something. They supposedly saved the world twice. I wouldn't know. I've never really been in touch with modern things.

Along with everything else, I think I'm losing my mind. I've had these thoughts. Bad thoughts, about suicide and stuff. Life just seems to get harder and harder for me. I can't keep living like this too much longer. My mental struggle seems to be the hardest thing in my life. Recently I've felt so alone. It's like I'm against an army of monsters all by myself.

Everything seems out to get me, but is it really and can I find someone to help pull me out of this depression...

AN Peter Parker (Spiderman) and Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) will be part of this story. They will be part of the avengers. This story will have triggering things in it, so I would advise you to only read this if you aren't easily triggered by things like self harm and depression.

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now