chapter 12

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Frank pov-

Drew Tanka.

"If that kid wanted a friendship with percy, he really picked the wrong girlfriend" I say

"Why?" The girl wearing red asks.

"She has screwed with Percy's life alot" Piper says

"More like she has screwed important people in Percy's life" Nico says angrily

"What" tony's uncle asks

"She was the girl that Percy's last boyfriend Cheated with" I explain "I think she fell asleep on my back" I add

"Oh God, that's terrible." The blonde guy avenger says

"Yeah" Piper says "my dumb ass sister"

"Are you Percy's sister" uncle Tony asks

"No. I'm Drew's sister" she says and frowns. Jason puts his arm around her.

"Im going home" Percy says right in my ear, causing me to jump and her to fall

"Oof" she says and stands up "that wersnt nice Frnkie"

"Sorry percy"

"Its cool bro." She smiles and gives me a hug

"I love how happy she is as a drunk" Travis says

"I know" Conner agrees "She's usually so sad and depressed"

"Especially know" Leo says

"I bet she's been worse since Andy" Jason says and everyone looks at the Avengers for an answer

"Why are you looking at us?" The girl with short red hair asks

"You guys have seen her before this" I say. Percy is now bothering Grover.

"Yeah but we didn't see her before that" uncle Tony asks

"True" Leo says

"It has gotten worse" Percy joins the conversation

"I can practically feel the emo radiating from her" Thalia says

"I'm going home" Percy says and stumbles toward the exit.

"Not alone, you're not" Nico says "I'll walk her home, guys"

"I'll go with them" Will says

Everyone nods and after about three minutes of her stumbling and tripping, Will picks her up and carries her.

"I don't know if I trust those two kids to get her home safely" Tony says

"That's her cousin and his boyfriend, who is a doctor in training" Thalia says "They're trustworthy"

"I'm still worried about her" He says

"Worried about who" a boy and a girl walk toward us.

"Percy" Tony says

"Hi Drew" Piper says

"Piper" she pales drastically "What are you guys doing here?"

"We were having fun but you just crashed our graveyard party" Thalia says

"Where's the little goth boy?" Drew asks Piper "this kid of thing is right up his alley"

"He went for a walk with his boyfriend" Piper replies

"Makes sense. The only thing he loves more than death is Will" Drew says

"You would know wouldn't you?" Piper says "gods know that you love sleeping with people's boyfriends, so I bet you tried to sleep with Will"

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