chapter 27

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Percy pov-

I've had a tough week.

First, on Monday I lost my science binder. On Tuesday Flash noticed the weird tattoo on my arm. A boy spilled his lunch on me "accidentally", on Wednesday. The worst day was Thursday.

The day went by as usual on Thursday. I went to my classes and got through the school hours without an incident. I thought that was the end of my bad luck...

I was wrong.


Peter and I walk toward avengers tower. He is being really awkward and hasn't spoken yet, while I know that he wants to say something. He keeps looking at me and opening his mouth, before closing it again.

"Okay, Pete. What's wrong?" I ask

He turns to me and looks at me with an expression I don't recognize on him.

"I... um... this is going to be hard for me to say" He says

"Just tell me" I say.

He sighs before speaking. "I don't think we should be friends anymore"

I look at him like he's crazy for a minute

"It's not you, it's me. I mean it's you... and me. We don't... ugh" He tries again to speak.

"What?" My voice comes out higher and scratchy "Did I do something wrong? What can I do to fix it?" I ty desperately.

"You didn't do anything wrong," He tries to assure me "It's just that you arent the same as you were before you lost your memories. We just don't connect anymore. We are too different."

I am angry and I don't want to yell at him or cry, so I just nod "okay. I'll see you around then"

"I'm sorry" He says before shoving his hands in his pockets and continues walking

I don't want to go home yet. I don't want them to see me cry, so I text Tony and tell him that I'm hanging out with my friend Ashleigh.

He replies with an 'okay' and I walk in the opposite direction of the tower.

End of flashback

I haven't spoken to him since the conversation. It was yesterday and it has already been so hard avoiding him. He hasn't even looked at me.

As I walk through the halls in my free period and Nikki, a girl who often hangs out with Ashleigh and me, approaches me.

"Hey, Percy" she sings

"Hey" I respond, pretending to be excited and happy.

"So, my birthday is in two weeks and my parents are letting me bring a few friends down to out summer home in Florida for the week. I want you to come."

"Awesome" I tell her "I'll ask my uncle if I can go"

"Great" she says before strutting down the hall to catch another one of our friends.

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now