chapter 38

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Percy pov-

"Wake up." Wanda shakes my shoulder, as I try to turn away. "C'mon we have to start."

I sit up and look out my window. "It's still dark out." I whine

"It's 2 in the morning. Just like we planned, so get up and get dressed." Wanda told me.

I groan and try to pull the covers over my head.

Wanda, clearly annoyed, rips the blankets off of me. I sigh and sit up.

"I cannot believe you just did that." I say.

"I had to." She tells me "Now let's go. We only have until 6, when Steve wakes up."

"Alright then."

I quickly pull a grey jacket over my t shirt and slide socks onto my bare feet. I made my arm heal with water a few days ago. It happened while I was showering. When I told Bruce, he said that it was probably the medicine mixed with fast healing.

"Give me ten minutes. I'll meet you in the kitchen." I tell her.

"If you aren't down there in ten minutes, I'm having JARVIS set off the alarm." She says, before leaving the room.

I walk into the bathroom and quickly wash my face. My hair is a mess, so I just pull it up in a bun.

I leave the bathroom, grab my shoes, and leave my room. Rufusing to ride the elevator alone, I run down the stairs and meet Wanda in the kitchen.

"So, first we'll decorate all the hallways and rooms." She says.

"You start that, I'll go up to the roof and start preparing for the snowball war on the roof." I say.

"Smart thinking." She says "whoever finishes first, with help the other."

I nod and go back upstairs to change into warmer clothes. Once I'm changed, I go up to the roof and start. The snow on the roof is like 4 feet deep, so that'll work well.

I start by shovelling snow into 10 piles, spread apart evenly with similar amounts, so people can build forts or whatever for protection. Then, I push a the remaining snow into the middle, so people can make snowballs.

After a long time of shovelling snow, Wanda comes up.

"Hey." She says. "We're making great progress. I decorated everything downstairs and once we're finished here, we can go make breakfast."

"Okay. Help me finish up."

We worked a lot quicker together and got it done within another hour.

After we changed, we went to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

"I'll make pancakes, you make eggs and toast?" I suggest. Wanda nodded and we both started. We both ate quite a bit while we were cooking.

Our buffet breakfast was finished by 4:30 and I came up with an idea for another part of our Super Amazing Christmas Eve Celebration.

"I have an idea, but I'll need help setting it up." I say

"What is it?"


We were finished by 5:56 and we had to rush back to our rooms because Steve would be up at 6:00 on the dot. We quickly ran up the stairs and to my room.

We were both on my bed, but only wanda was asleep. I couldn't sleep after all that, so I just layed in bed and waited for everyone to wake up.

At some point I must have dozed off. When I woke up Wanda was still asleep, so I shook her awake and told her that it was 10am.

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now