chapter 16

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Percy pov

I wake up in Bruce's lab again, but this time it's empty.

After a while Will walks in.

"Percy. You're awake" He says, smiling at me.


"Everyone's worried. Your dad is here. Do you want to come out? We are watching your life like a movie. Loki and Iris helped us set it up"

"Sure. I'll come out," she says

They slowly walk back to the living room.

When they get there everyone looks at percy.

"Um. Hi," she says, awkwardly before going to sit in between Posiedon and Tony

Posiedon puts his arm around her shoulders and she rests her head on him.

"Let's continue watching my life" she says

Tony pov

Loki hits play and we see an image of Percy. She is sleeping.

After a few seconds her eyes open. She stands up and stumbles a bit before walking.

She makes her way out of this weird place and two monsters approach her. She doesn't fight them. Instead, she runs. Every time sge tries to kill the monster's they reform.

After a long time of running she meets and old lady, who needs to get across the street.

"I'll help you" Percy says, and picks her up

Percy carries a the woman to the other side of the street after the woman gives her two options

"You can either carry me across the highway, eventually regain your memories, and save the world or you can run to the ocean and hide. If you carry me, you will lose the curse that you bear. The one that keeps you from injury. Take your pick" the woman says

"Where are we going?" Percy asks

"Down that tunnel." Percy carries the woman, until she reaches a river.

Across the river is a gate, with two people there.

"Help!" Percy yells to them and they open the gate, allowing her to enter.

The boy runs out to attack the gorgons and is almost killed. Percy saves him, by stepping into the water and creating two giant hands out of water.

She kills the gorgons and they can't reform because the dust is washed downstream.

They get Frank and they go through the gates. They accept Percy in.

Hazel takes percy, to meet her brother, Nico, who apparently knows about both camps.

They end up playing war games and their team wins, thanks to percy, Frank, And Hazel.

During the game a girl, Gwen, is killed. She quickly comes back to life.

A god appears in front of the Romans.

"I am Mars. I want my son, Frank Zhang, to go on a quest to retrieve Thantos." He says

"Don't you need a prophecy" Octavian asks

The next scene is percy, Hazel, and Frank standing on a pier in front of a small boat.

They set off on their journey. After a few stops they find a harpy. Her name is Ella and she knows the prophecy.

Percy makes a stupid bet with Phineas. She will either get healed or die. The healing would bring back her memories, but here is only a 50% chance that she will get that one. Phineas chooses first and thinks he got the healing one when Percy falls to the ground trying to breath, but soon falls dead.

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now