chapter 32

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Percy pov-

I wake up wrapped in something warm. It's too warm, so I try to get out of it. It refuses to budge, so I open my eyes and find that I'm in bed with Wade. That's when the memories from last night come rushing back to me. My head starts to ache.

After a lot of struggling to get out of his grasp, I finally reach my goal. He doesn't wake up either.

I quickly walk over to my room and open the door. Ashleigh is still in here and there is a boy with her on her bed, but thankfully they were covered with a blanket.

I grab some clothes and head to the bathroom. Thankfully no one is in there, so I can get a shower and change.

I quickly shower and change into my clothes. I have a pair of loose grey shorts and a green tank top. I run my fingers through my wet hair and pull it up into a ponytail. After five minutes of shuffling through cabinets, I find makeup wipes and I use one to wipe the smeared eyeliner and mascara from my face.

Quietly, I make my way down the stairs and to the kitchen. I take out a black trash bag and open it. I walk to the living room and start picking up empty bottles and red solo cups. Once I finish with the trash, I notice that there are a few people passed out on the couches and floor. I grab a few blankets from the opening ottoman and cover the sleeping people. I recognize a few as the people from the beach.

I move through the rest of the first floor and clean the rest of the remnants of the party up. Once I'm done, I go back the the kitchen and wash my hands.

In the fridge, I find everything I'm going to need to make breakfast. Bacon, milk, and orange juice. I check the cabinets and find some pancake mix.

I start getting everything I need to make it and plug my phone into a portable speaker. I hit play on my music app and hit shuffle. I start dancing around while mixing the ingredients with the instant pancake mix.

After I finish mixing it, I decide it looks a little plain, so I look for something to spice it up. I shuffle through the cabinets and come across chocolate chips. When I pull out the bag, my eyes land on something behind it.

Food dye.

I pull out the small box and the bottom breaks open, the colors all fall out and into the bowl. Three of them stay closed, while the last one opens in the pancake batter, turning it blue. Whatever, I'll just mix it together and throw in some chocolate chips.

I continue cook when someone walks into the kitchen. I look over my shoulder to see an elfish looking Latino boy.

"Hey, Perce" He says yawning

"And you are...?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm Leo. We know each other but you don't remember me... or the others." He says sadly

"Oh" I turn back to the pancakes and he keeps talking.

"You really do know us." He tells me

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember if I do."

"Andrew, the guy who loves you, knew you when you guys were twelve. You started dating and you broke up with him because he cheated on you." He sounds like he's telling the truth, but part of me doesn't want to believe it. I want to believe that this stranger is lying and my Uncle was truthful, but it's just hard.

"You didn't meet me until recently, but we were pretty good friends" He says

"Do you know my middle name?" I ask after a along silence.

"Andromedia" He says, making me snort.

"Wow. Uncle Tony really liked Greek mythology didn't he?" I laugh

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