chapter 24

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Natasha pov-

After I'm pulled into the mirror, I start falling. After a few seconds I notice that I'm falling through human hands. At first I am surprised, then I am very surprised because they stop me from falling.

They put together faces and start talking.

After a small conversation they drop me and I land on the hard ground on my back

"Ow" I say, sitting up

Before I have time to recover from the hard fall, two guys come in and try to put a bag on my head.

I punch one in the face and attempt a roundhouse kick. Keyword, attempt.

I discover that I'm wearing a long dress. The area over my chest is a dark brown color and the part over my legs is the same color, but there is a white cloth wrapped around my waist that goes down near the bottom of the dress.

I fall, from the attempt and the men have the chance to put the bag on my head and shackle my arms

"Why are you doing this?" I ask

"Shut up, witch" one says while the other says "Don't fool us with your black magic"

"I'm not a witch" I tell them.

"Lying is a sin, witch. You should know a lot about sins, seeing as how you work for the devil" one of them says

I just sigh and continue walking, looking at my feet through the bottom of the bag.

After a few seconds of walking, I hear a loud sound and one of the guys let's go of me. This gives me the chance to get the bag off my head and knock out the other guy.

After I knock him out, I realize what happened to the other guy. Steve is in a cell and has him in a head lock against one of the metal bars.

"Im glad to see you Natasha" He says, dropping the, now unconcious, guy.

"Im glad to see you too" I say "If we're going to get out, we need to find everyone"

"Agreed" He says "Can you please unlock the cell?"

"Oh yeah." I grab the keys from one of the guards and unlock his cell.

"How did you get here?" He asks

"I was with Clint in this hallway and there were doors on both sides, so we went in different directions. I bumped into a mirror and before I could get back to clint, something pulled me through"

"That's insane" He says

"That's not the craziest part" I tell him "When I was falling through, I started to feel things against me. Soon I found out that they were human hands. It was terrifying and then, they put themselves together as faces and started speaking. It was exteremely disturbing"

"Sounds like it" He says "How are we going to get out of here"

"I have an idea" I say

"What is it"

"Take me out as one of the guards" I say

"That's crazy, Natasha" He says they are burning women at the stake out there"

"Exactly" I say "Percy has probably been here and she probably couldn't fight off the guards, so they burned her at the stake. Once they tie me to the stake and set it on fire, you need to jump in. It might transport us to the next level of the dream."

"I don't know if it will work" He says

"It's the only chance we have" I say

He looks at me nervously, before agreeing.

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