chapter 5

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Percy pov-

I wake up from a nightmare in an unfamiliar room. I get up and wince at the pain in my abdomen.

I look down at my body and see that I have bandages wrapped on almost my entire torso

I get out of the bed and see a door, probably a closet.

It is not a closet. It's a bathroom. I go in and look in the mirror. I have gashes on my forehead, cheek, and chin.

I am wearing a comfy jacket that is vaguely familiar. I am also wearing the jeans that I wore yesterday, but it doesn't matter.

I leave the bathroom and walk back into the bedroom.

I see two other doors. I open one. It's the exit. I go out into a hall way and wander around until I hear voices and I walk toward them.

I walk into a kitchen with 5 people sitting at a table

Peter, Steve, Bruce, and 2 people I haven't met yet.

Bruce sees me and frowns "What are you doing out of bed"

"Um, well, first I was walking around, and now I am talking to you" i say

"No, I mean you shouldn't be out of bed" He says

"I am very ADHD, so I can't sit still for too long." I say

"Are you okay" Peter asks me

"Yeah" I say

"How are you walking. You were hurt really badly" Steve asks

"Um. I don't know" I say honestly "I guess I'm just used to being in pain"

They look at me confused

"I get in alot of fights with people I shouldn't mess with" it's not a complete lie

"Okay" The girl doesn't seem convinced.

"Come sit down" Peter says to me

"Okay" I sit next to him. Their kitchen table is like a booth seat in a diner, so he just slides down.

"So what happened to you" The guy I don't recognize asks me "oh, I'm clint by the way and this is Natasha" He gestures to the girl next to him.

"I think I was jumped. It's all kind of fuzzy. This group of guys caught me by surprise and hit me on the head" I point to the gash on my forehead. "They were drunk or something. They basically beat the Hades out of me then left. I stumbled home and I didn't want my step father to worry about me so I went through my window. I tried to stitch myself up, but I kept shaking and it was a really sloppy job overall, because I passed out a few times. Eventually I found my phone and dialed the first number in my contacts, which happened to be Peter, and thank the gods he answered. I passed out halfway through the call, then I woke up with Bruce stitching me up again. That is all I remember before waking up here."

"Why didn't you go to a hospital" Steve asks

"I really dont like hospitals, they smell like death and sickness" I say

"Why didn't you tell your step father what happened" clint asks

"Do you want the truth?" I ask

"Yes" They all say

"He's a jerk" I say "He was partying with his friends last night, so I didn't want to have to deal with him, being that he was drunk" still not completely a lie

"Why did you call Peter" Bruce asks

"I have 3 contacts in my phone. One is Peter's, one is my summer camp, and the last one is my voicemail" I say "My friends can't have phones at camp, so I only have the number of the camp councilor. Peter's number came up first because I added it last"

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