chapter 33

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Percy pov-

We went mini golfing. I sucked at it while everyone else did rather fine. I couldn't stay still and on track long enough to hit the ball straight.

So, when we get in, everyone heads upstairs to shower and get ready for the board walk. Everyone agreed that the loser showers last, so now I'm waiting and looking through my clothes.

Just sigh and Ashleigh comes in wrapped in a towel while drying her hair with another towel.

"You can shower now. Everyone else is using other bathrooms." She tells me. I nod and grab my soap, shampoo, conditioner, and razor.

I take a towel from the towel and linen closet, before going into the bathroom and starting to remove my clothes. Once I'm completely undressed, I turn the bath water on and pull the little tab thing to start the shower.

I get in and immediately all of the confusion and sad thoughts disappear from my mind. I put some shampoo on my hands and start rubbing it through my hair. After that, wash it out and repeat with conditioner.

I start shaving and accidentally cut my leg. It doesn't really hurt, but it won't stop bleeding. I ignore it, for now, and finish shaving. After I do that and wash my body I get out and wrap my towel around me.

I sit on the edge of the tub and try to analyze my cut. It's gone. It was definitely there, because there is blood surrounding it, but the cut is gone.

Someone knocks on the door.

"Hey, Percy," It's Wade. "I forgot my wallet in there earlier."

I go to the door, after securing my towel around me, and open it. I pull him inside.

"This is going to sound crazy, but something just happened to me. It's incredible...and scary. I don't even know how to explain it. I'll just show you. Maybe I can expl-"

"Spit it out, Percy" He says impatiently.

"Okay. I'll show you." Im grinning like an idiot as I grab the razor from where I left it and I remove one of the blades.

I place the cool metal on my wrist and Wade grabs my hand that is holding it. "Don't" He says wide eyed

"It's okay" I say and I press down and drag it across my flesh. It hurts and it starts gushing immediately. I wince and grit my teeth before turning on the sink and running my wrist under it. We both watch as my skin stitches itself back together and fades into a thin white scar.

I grin at him and he is watching my wrist in awe.

"What just happened?" He asks

"I don't know. I think I might be part like mutant or alien or something." I say "You can't tell anyone. Promise me."

"Hold on. Let me wrap my head around this." His confused look grows more confused. "How? When? What?"

"I just learned I can do this. I don't know how and I healed in the water." I say

"I won't tell anyone. We'll talk later when everyone's asleep. Sleep in my room again, so we don't wake anyone up." He says

"Okay, now I'm going to go get dressed. You finish getting ready. See you later" I say before grabbing my stuff and leaving the bathroom. I go into my bedroom and put my stuff away and my dirty clothes in the hamper.

I spend a while looking for an outfit and end up wearing (image is attached at the top or side) one that uncle Tony let me get when we went clothes shopping last month.
It consists of a skirt with overall type things connected and stripes that go over my stomach. I usually wear a black bandeau with it.

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