chapter 36

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Percy pov-

When I open my eyes, everything is painfully white and the harsh lights are burning my eyes. I groan and turn on my side.

I wince at the shots of pain in the right side of my body. That's when I remember that I got shot twice.

"Shit" I mumble, sitting up and looking at the people sleeping all over the room. Most of them are on the floor, except Wanda and Uncle Tony. Uncle Tony is asleep in a chair next to me, with his head on the bed and his hand holding mine. Wanda is curled up at the bottom of the bed.

I quietly slide my hand away from uncle Tony and get out of the bed.

I have a sling holding my arm in place, because the smallest movement of my arm causes great amounts of pain in my shoulder and by my collar bone.

I tie the string on the hostital gown tighter, as I walk to the door.

I'm going to get a snack from a vending machine. I walk into the hallway yo see people walking around and everyone is doing something.

I walk to the vending machine and browse the options. Funyuns, Doritos, potato chips, sun chips, and various candies are my choices. I'll get Funyuns and a Milky Way.

That's when I realize that I don't have my wallet. I groan and lean my head on the vending machine.

"What do you need?" A voice startles me.

I turn to see Wade standing behind me with a five dollar bill.

"Funyuns and a Milky Way." I tell him

"Coming right up." He puts the five in the machine and types in the numbers for the stuff I want.

When they come out, he hands them to me and asks me "Do you want a drink?"

I nod and he buys me a Coke from the drink machine. We slowly walk back to my room and talk.

"Thanks for taking the bullets." He says finally

"It was nothing-"

"No. It wasn't nothing." He tells me. "It probably would have killed me."

"Yeah. Andrew is a pretty good shot." I admit, wondering how I know that.

"Tou saved my life and I am eternally grateful." He grins at me as he quotes Toy Story.

I grin and smack his arm playfully. We arrive at my room and he follows me in.

Everyone's heads turn toward us. I grin and wave at them.

"So, why did you push me out of the way?" Wade asks.

"Um...I really don't know..." I blush and look away.

"Well, for whatever reason you did, I'm grateful and I think I owe you."

"You saved me a few times on this vacation too."

"This was different. It was my life. I am going to pay you back for this." He pauses and smirks. "How 'bout a movie?"

"Hmmm. I would say yes, but I got shot twice. I was thinking dinner and a movie." I smirk right back.

"It's a date." He says. He leans in a little, but uncle Tony clears his throat. "Um...I've gotta go. My parents are picking me up at the house in an hour and I have to pack."

I nod and he leaves. I glare at uncle Tony.

"Next time, get a room." Clint whines

"I have a room. You guys are just in it." I say. "When can I leave?"

"Since I am a doctor, you can leave as soon as the doctor comes back and prescribes some painkillers." Bruce says "But you'll have to take it easy and you will need some physical therapy when the wound closes."

"That reminds me. Can I go to real therapy too?"

"Why" Tony wonders

"I have been remembering things and having weird thoughts, but they're all jumbled and I think therapy could help." I explain

"Yeah. Sure." Uncle Tony tells me.


We went back to the house and Wanda and Nat came up to my room to help me pack.

They start putting my clothes in my suitcase as I start getting my other stuff together.

"Whose is this?" Natasha exclaims, holding up a shirt that was Wade's.

"Wade's" I say calmly

"Why do you have it?" Wanda asks. "Did you-?"

"Oh my gods! No! He leant me that because Ashleigh locked me out of our room and I slept in his room."

"Why didn't you just wear the clothes you were already wearing?"

"They, kind of, got wet." I tell them

"How?" They asked simultaneously

"There was a party and I think someone put something in my drink and I was like passing out. Wade found me and tried to bring me to my room, but Ashleigh was in there with some guy and the door was locked, so he brought me to his room. I started having some sort of seizure and he put me in the bathtub filled with cold water to wake me up." The first part was a lie, and I may have stretched the truth a little.

They laugh when I tell them not to tell uncle Tony.

We finish getting my stuff and I quickly go to the kitchen for a water bottle, before we leave.

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