chapter 25

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Tony pov-

I push open the door and we all go in. Percy. Removes her hands from her ears and opens her eyes, but there is still blood on her face.

"Im not going back into that room" she says to us before she starts walking through the room.

The room has different bubbles. They probably do something, but I don't care.

We follow her until we comes across Loki. He is laying on the ground, asleep.

"Loki" she says and He wakes up.

"Hello. I see that you have found me" He says "let us get out of here"

We all start walking toward the door.

"Wait" Percy says and we all look at her. "I can't go back in there"

"What's in there?" Loki asks

"My deepest, darkest fears" she says

"You went through there?" He asks astonished "that was very stupid. You could be driven mad or worse."

"Well I'm not going back in there under any circumstances" she says

"It's the only logical option" Loki says

"I can't do it" she says "not again. I'll do anything else, but I'm not going in there"

"You might not like the other option" Loki explains

"What is it?"

"I could, kind of hide your memories that create the fears. You will not be afraid to go through there anymore, but it may take a very long time to regain the memories" He says "they won't be erased but they will be lost for some time"

"What would you have to take away?" She asks, biting her lip

"Most of your early life and everything since you found out about your heritage"

"So I have to decide between losing my sanity or everything that makes me who I am"

"You will still be the same person" Loki says "You'll just be a little different. It's the safest option for us all. If you don't remember anything the dreams you went through will be erased and there will be a clear path for the exit of your mind. You will also have the chance to be a normal teenager without any of the emotional trauma you have experienced."

"I will remember some day. Right?"

"Yes. It might be a long time, but you will regain your memories slowly in dreams and flashbacks. This moment will be the last thing you remember, so you will not know that any of the flashbacks are real."

"How will you explain everything to me"

"We'll say that you were in an accident" Steve steps forward "We can either tell you that you were with us since childhood or that Tony got custody of you after your mom died."

"Tell me that I lived with you my entire life. Say that my mom died in childbirth and my dad was lost at sea. If I ask about my life, tell me fake stories about my life with you guys" she says "I don't want to remember anything from my real life"

"Are we still best friends, perce" Peter asks

"Don't ask stupid questions" she says

"What if you ask about your mom" I ask. She smiles at me

"She was the greatest person in the world" she says "Anything else I think you can handle"

"Okay" Loki says "Are you ready?" She nods

He leads us all toward the door and uses his magic to gather all of the bubbles unto one big area. He then puts up a wall that surrounds them on all sides. All of the memories are cut off from us and we can no longer see them.

Percy closes her eyes and starts swaying on her feet. She's about to fall when Peter catches her.

Loki finishes building the wall, then he uses his powers to compact them and make the box really small. The pocket sized box lays on the ground and Loki goes to pick it up.

He puts it in his pocket and nods to us.

Peter is now carrying Percy because he has that super spider strength.

We all go through the door and walk through the corridor in silence.

Every time we glance into the windows the fears changed. The one where we were all dead is now clouds and probably simbolizes heights.

Once we get out of the hallway, Loki has us walk to a room at the end of the first hallway we went down.

The room says 'exit' on the label, but before we go in, Loki turns to the door next to us which is labeled 'forgotten thoughts' he goes inside and places the memory box on a shelf in there.

We all leave the small room and go to the exit. We go up a few flights of stairs. When we get to the end of the stairs, there is a hatch on the ceiling. Loki unlocks it and pushes it open, then he pulls himself up. Everyone follows and it leads to another hallway, this one is very different than the others.

"I can send us out from here," Loki says.

"Okay" Steve says and Loki puts two fingers on his forehead before Steve completely vanishes.

Next he does the same to the others until it's just Percy, him, and I.

"How will she get out?" I ask

"She should wake up when we leave" He says

"Will she be okay?" I ask "I mean, she doesn't have any of her memories. Was it the right choice?"

"It was her only choice. It was the brave choice" Loki says "she truly is the greatest hero of all time, but now she gets a break from it. She can be a child, your niece."

"Wouldn't it have been braver for her to face her fears?"

"Deep down she knew that she might not have gotten through that with her sanity. Even a fool knows when to surrender and Percy is no fool. She also played the part of hero by ensuring we had a safe trip out. She made a sacrifice for us, her family, because she is brave. We can thank her when her memories return to her and she remembers what she did for us"

I nod "I am ready to go"

He puts his fingers on my forehead and I wake up in my body. A few seconds after me, Loki wakes up and we all look at Percy.

She sits bolt upright in the bed and her eyes open.

They aren't the same as they were before. They no longer hold the pain and loss. They look hopeful and pure.

"Where am I?" She asks "What happened? Who are you people?"

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