chapter 11

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Percy pov-

It is Halloween. I don't have a costume or anything to do though. Im going to ask Aphrodite for something to wear.

I'm almost at the Empire State Building. I go up and walk to Aphrodite's temple. When I get there I knock on the door and wait for an answer

"Percy" she says "What a pleasant surprise"

"I need help with a Halloween costume" I say

"Okay" She grins at me "I have some stuff"

We go in and she brings me to her huge room filled with clothes.

"We are going to have a fashion show, so I am going to have some other people come" she says excitedly

"Who?" I ask

"You'll see" I'll go call them, then we will start putting together your outfits"

"What do you mean by 'outfits'?" I ask

"It's a fashion show. You have to try on at least 10 different things"

"Oh Styx" I say

"Oh you'll be fine"

"It's hope so"

She goes out of the room for a minute and calls a few people. When she comes back in she tells me who the judges are.

"The judges are Nico, Piper, and Apollo"

"Why Apollo?" I ask

"He owes me a favor"

She starts looking through a rack of clothes and pulls out a few dresses.

The first one looks like a princess dress.

She snaps her fingers and I'm wearing it. She then curls my hair with another snap and does my makeup. After that she gives me some jewelry and a crown.

"Walk out there and they'll tell you their opinions"

I do as she says and they tell me what they think.

"I don't really think it fits her personality." Nico says

"I think it looks good" Apollo says

"I think she needs a darker color, like blues or purples" Piper says

I walk back to the room

"They say no" I tell her

"Okay well I have another one for you" she snaps again and I'm dressed like a southern belle.

She gives me a hat, makeup, curled hair, and jewelry before sending me back out.

"No" says Nico

"I like it" Apollo says

"I dont"

The next few outfits all went the same. There was a fairy,A genie, A valkyrie, And many others,but they couldn't agree on anything.

Apollo says yes to everything, Nico says no to everything, and piper usually says that it doesn't fit my personality.

Finally I say something to Aphrodite

"Can I pick something out" I ask

"Yes" she says and walks out

I start looking through racks until I find a black corset. I want to wear it so I set it aside, then I look for a long skirt. I find one after a while of searching, then I change into the skirt and slide on the corset.

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