chapter 10

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Percy pov-

I am getting ready for school right now. Yesterday Peter told me that he has a girlfriend. I was jelous at first, but I have to accept it. He is my best friend and I have to support him.

I put on his gray jacket, a purple tank top, and a pair of blue jeans. I slide on a necklace and pull on my boots and put on some makeup before grabbing my bag and walking out. Gabe is passed out, so I just walk out.

I must have some kind of luck today.

I walk to school and go to Peter's locker. He's there talking to a girl with long black hair, who has her back to me. I go toward them and Peter waves to me.

The girl turns and smirks at me. It's Drew Tanka. The girl who my boyfriend cheated on me with is here.

He puts his arm around her shoulders. Peter Parker, my only friend, is dating Drew Tanka, the biggest bitch I know.

I walk over to Peter.

"Can I talk to you in private Peter" I ask

"Yeah" He says

We walk away from Drew

"Please don't get involved with her, Peter" I say to him


"She is bad news-" He cuts me off

"No, she's not. She's really nice and pretty. She hasn't done anything to make me think otherwise. You're just jealous" He says

"You're right. I am jealous, but please just stay away from her" I beg him

"No. Maybe I should stay away from YOU" He says angrily

"Peter she-"

"Stop talking Percy" He says "Nothing you can say can make me change my mind about her"

"Fine, but just be careful" I tell him and I start to walk off before remembering "Wait Peter. Have a nice life" I unzip his jacket and hand it to him

He takes it and looks at me sadly.

I can feel tears sting my eyes as he walks away, but I hold them back and I walk out of the school. I can't do this today.

I run home and when I get in Gabe is there.

"What're you doing back?" He asks "skipping school?"

"Not skipping exactly"

"Don't lie to me, delinquent"

"I'm skipping school" I say

"You know, I'm gonna have to punish you right"

"I know" I say as he stalks towards me.

He starts to beat me, but I can feel anything except the numb feeling that I can't seem to get rid of. I am empty. I have nothing left now.

Once he finishes I just lay there for a few minutes.

When I get up, it's dark outside

I go to my bedroom and look in my full length mirror. I look terrible. My hair is knotted, my clothes are bloody, and my eyes look terrible.

I can't stand to see myself like that so I hit the mirror. I slam my fists on it until it is completely cracked.

Now, looking at the cracked version of myself, I finally see what I am. I am shattered. Too far gone to be saved. I find this me to be the most beautiful I have ever been. I can't see my flaws and I don't look overly glamorous.

I don't deserve to look like this. I start pulling the broken shards out of the broken mirror frame. It hurts but i only smile at tge pain. The smile i see in the broken shards scares me. I pull every last shard out and walk across the room, across the shards, to destroy any other mirror like surface.

I break my hand mirror and my smaller mirrors, then I break the mirror in my jewelry box.

By the time I finish, it is dark outside.

I lay down and fall asleep on the floor surrounded by the pieces of my mirrors.

I finally tore myself apart, I realize. I tore apart my reflection.

If only I could do that to myself for real

Peter pov-

It kind of hurts me that I hurt percy. I have no clue why I did it. Just the look in her eyes, while she handed me my jacket, made me want to cry.

The school day goes by, with me showering Drew with attention. It's like she has control over me and my actions.

I go home after I say goodbye to Drew.

When I go in I tell clint I have to talk to him.

He meets me in my room a few minutes later.

"I screwed up big time" I say

"What did you do now" clint asks

"I messed up and Percy was trying to tell me something. I wouldn't listen to her and her last words to me were 'have a nice life'. I need help, clint. I am freaking out"

"I'm sorry, Pete, but you did screw up" He tells me "I can't help you. You have to let it run its course"

"What do I do" I ask

"You can apologize to her, then it depends on what she says." Clint says "or you can just leave her be alone for now and wait for things to cool down"

"I'll just wait. I feel too guilty." I say

"So what happened, in detail?" Clint asks

"Percy came to school this morning and I tried to introduce her to Drew, but Percy told me that she was bad news and that I should stay away from her. I got angry and told her that she was just jealous. She was still trying to get me to stay away from her and I replied to that by telling her that maybe I should stay away from HER. She became sad and handed me my jacket back. Then she told me to be careful and have a nice life, then we went our separate ways. I didn't see her for the rest of the day."

"You are totally screwed" clint says and walks out

"I know" I mumble to myself

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