chapter 31

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I dedicate this chapter to 11lokilove for guessing my birthday and candycrum21 for helping me decide what to put in this chapter.

Percy pov-

The party kicked off rather quickly. At most, ten minutes after everyone had finished calling people, guests showed up, Flash got out snacks, and Nikki broke into her parents alcohol cabinet. It also happens that there were beer kegs in the wine cellar.

People start piling into the house and I pour myself a cup of a drink that looks like whiskey. I take a seat at the kitchen island and start sipping it slowly, while messing around on my phone.

After some time I feel a person sit next to me. I look over to them and find that it's the boy from the beach. The blonde one who said that we dated.

Instead of speaking to him, I turn my chair in the opposite direction.

"Talk to me, Percy" He says.

I don't speak.

"I need you. Every day without you feels like a year in Tartarus." He reaches out and grabs my hand.

I pull my hand away and take the last few sips of my drink, before standing up. At first my vision blurs and the world around me slows down.

My eyes fall on a girl who is standing in front of me about 10 feet away. She has black hair and is wearing an orange t-shirt. The most noticeable thing about her is the blood on her and the striking resemblance to myself.

I try to move toward her, but my legs won't cooperate.

As soon as it slowed down, the world speeds up again. The girl goes out of my view for less than a second and disappears. I glance at my cup, in hopes that maybe I was drugged and that wasn't real.

'That's believable. Right? I mean there is that creep who stalked me at the beach. Maybe it was him' I think to myself, worriedly

I try to move again, but my movements feel slow. It's like I'm walking through jelly. The air feels thick enough to cut through.

I stumble toward the stairs, in hopes of getting to my room. I barely reach the stairs before I have to lean on the wall for support. I try to start climbing the stairs, but once again the world spins and I start to fall.

Someone catches me and helps me regain balance. My vision is blurry and I can barely tell who it is.

"Can you help me upstairs?" I ask

"Sure thing, but that'll mean that I've saved your ass three times so far on this trip and we're one day in." It's Wade.

"I think someone drugged me." I say. "I was hallucinating and now I can't even walk straight. I only had one drink."

"Alright" He says, before wrapping an arm around my waist to help me walk upstairs. I put one arm over his shoulders. Once we reach the top, he leads us to my room. He knocks on the door and hears a yell in response.

"Find a different room! This one's taken!" Ashleigh yells through the door.

We change direction and continue down the hall. While we pass a mirror I see the girl from earlier again. This time she is sanding where I am supposed to be.

Wade brings me to his room and unlocks the door with his own key. We get in and he let's go of me for a minute, so he can get something for me to change into.

My voice seems to have drifted away as I feel myself become lighter, my body convulsing painfully. The world around me fades out in a bright light.

When my eyes open, I am temporarily blinded. I see the grey eyed blonde boy standing over me. He seems to be in a lot of pain because he face is scrunched up and his muscles are strained. I finally notice that his hands are in the clouds and he is kneeling.

I remember a story like this from a mythological story. It was something about a Titan holding the sky.

Why am I seeing this? Most of the dreams and 'flashbacks' I get are portrayed in Greek mythological ways. It's like my mind is showing it to me like that because I am named after a goddess. It is very strange...

Wade pov-

When I turn back around, Percy is on the floor writhing like she is having some kind of seizure or something.

I have absolutely no idea what to do in this kind of situation, so I dart to her side and hesitate.

I pick her up and carry her to the master bathroom that is connected to my room. I climb into the bathtub and pull her in on top of me, before turning on the shower as cold as it goes. The water pours over us, completely drenching us. I keep my arms securely around her, to keep her from hurting herself.

After about 3 minutes, her body stops it's spasm and she bolts upright, rapidly gasping for air.

She notices my arms around her and relaxes against me. We both just stay like that for a moment, breathing heavily and trying to understand what just happened.

When we finally do get up, we both walk out into my room in silence. I go over to my dresser and look for something she and I can each wear that isn't soaked.

Finally she speaks "Can I sleep in here tonight?" She asks me "Ashleigh is with someone in my room"

"I know" I say "Yeah. Here, you can change into that" I hand her the clothes I found out for her.

"Thanks" she says and she starts undressing.

"I figured you'd go change in the bathroom or something" I say, pulling off my soaked shirt.

"I can if you want-"

"No, I was just surprised. You can get dressed where you want. I won't look." I really want to look, though. She is just wearing my green shirt now, nothing else. It reaches her mid thigh and overall it just looks amazing one her.

"Not like it matters. Nikki, Ashleigh, and Chelsea all dressed me up like a slut, so you probably saw almost everything anyway." She says

"You looked awesome" I say, smirking "You still do, half dressed and wearing my shirt"

She pulls on the pajama pants I handed her and I finish changing. Once we are dressed, we both climb into the bed on our sides, facing each other.

"What was that seizure thing?" I ask

"I was in an accident and lost all my memories. Since I recovered, my mind has been trying to show me things,but it's all in riddles or something. I've had nightmares about mythological monsters, gods, and people. I think something is wrong and my Uncle hasn't told me everything about my past. I've been remembering things. Things I shouldn't remember." She explains

"Like what?"

"Like my mother." She says "my uncle said that she died in childbirth but I am remembering things about her like how her eyes would change color in the light. I don't know of I can trust everything they told me, but I want to believe them. It's like I know it's a lie, but I want it to be true."

"Sounds tough" I tell her

"It is" she says.

For some reason I find myself unable to take my eyes away from her's. Her green eyes hold secrets unknown to even herself. They look innocent at first glance, but glancing directly into them, you can see something further. Something suppressed.

"Goodnight" she says before flipping onto her back and closing her eyes.

"Goodnight" I reply, before doing the same.

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