chapter 28

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Percy pov-

The next two weeks were painfully long, but when the time came to getting ready to go, I was so excited.

We decided that since there was 9 of us, we would go in 3 cars.

In Nikki's car would be the girls and in Flash's would be the guys. The third car is Wade's truck because he doesn't want to ride in a small car with all the guys and he said we can put our bags in the back

Anyway, I'm digging through my clothes and making sure that I have everything I need. I pull out an orange t shirt with a pegusus and the words Camp Half-Blood. It's weird because I didn't know that I had ever gone to a camp. Well I guess it isn't that weird because I don't remember a lot of things these days.


I grab my bags, there's three of them, and go downstairs.

"Are you ready?" Uncle Tony asks when I reach the ground floor of the tower.

"Yup!" I say, popping the 'p'.

"Alright, let's go then." He grabs two of my bags, leaving me with one bag and my purse.

We go out to the car and we put my bags in the back. I climb into the front and he gets into the driver's side.

For most of the ride he explains his rules about how I have to call him everyday and if I don't he will come down to check in on me.

I agree to his terms and eventually we reach Nikki's house. I am the last one to arrive and they are putting everyone's bags in the truck when Nikki sees us pull up she grins and waves. Tod comes over to help me with my bags.

I start walking over to join my friends when Uncle Tony clears his throat.

"Oh sorry" I say before hugging him and kissing him on the cheek. "I love you. See you when I get back"

"I love you too. Be safe. Call me every day." He says before getting in the car and driving away slowly.

I walk over to where Nikki is and we talk for a while.

"Can Tod drive with us, Nikki?" Chelsea asks.

"Only if you can get someone else to move seats" she says and Chelsea walks off and starts asking Ashleigh something.

After about ten minutes Chelsea comes back and says that she got Ashleigh to trade.

We all get ready to go and Ashleigh comes to the window I'm sitting at in Nikki's car. She knocks and I roll it down so she can speak

"Can we trade seats?"

"I don't want to be the only girl in an all guys car" I explain

"Then ask if you can ride with Wade" she suggests

"Why can't you?" I ask

"Wade and I dated awhile back and I don't want to ask him"

"Ugh, fine, but you owe me for this" I tell her "I'm serious"

She nods and I get out of the car, sending her a glare. I walk to Wade's car and get in. He looks at me cunfusedly

"I'm riding with you" I say

"Cool, but I pick the music" He says

"We'll see about that" I say, as he follows Flash's car down the street.

After a few minutes of driving he turns on the radio and flips through the channels for awhile. Obviously not satisfied he stops and turns it to CD settings.

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