Chapter 2

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Peter pov-

"Do you see that girl over there?" I ask the other avengers while we're at the Shawarma place

"The black haired girl" Bruce asks

"Yeah" I say "I met her earlier at the coffee shop. She applied for a job and she is also going to my school this year"

"I met her earlier too" Steve says "she was at the park and I sat down next to her. She didn't know who I was"

"Awe, is Steve sad because the kid doesn't know him?" Tony teases him

"No. I just found it odd" Steve defended himself

She gets up and walks out.

"Back to what I was saying" I break in "she seems weird."

"Well Peter, you can't judge a book by the cover" Bruce said

"No. I don't mean weird as a bad thing. I mean, she seems different. She doesn't seem like a normal kid" I say

"Why do you say that?" clint asks

"I just have a feeling"

"His spidey senses are tingling" Tony says jokingly and I punch him in the arm

Tony pov-

Fury calls me into his office when we get back from Shawarma. I go to S.H.I.E.L.D and meet him

He says that it is important about my sister

I haven't told the Avengers about her, but when I find her I will.

"Hello, Tony" He says

"What did you find" I ask

"She changed her name" He says


"She changed her name to Sally Jackson years ago, that's why we couldn't find her" He states

"Okay, did you track her down"

"She's dead" He states plainly

"What?!" I yell as I feel tears in my eyes

"She died about 7 years ago"

"So I've been wasting my time, looking for a dead person"

"Not exactly" He says

"What?" He really needs to give me all of the information at once

"She had a daughter" Fury tells me and pulls out a file "Percy Jackson. That's her name. She has done alot of stuff to get S.H.I.E.L.D's attention. Here is her file."

"Thanks" I say and rush back to my tower

I ride the elevator up to the floor where the Avengers are most likely all at.

They are all on the couches watching Clint and Peter play Call of Duty

"Guys, I have good news" I yell

"Oh no" Bruce says. "This can't be good"

"It is good" I say and they all give me their attention

"I have a sister, or well had a sister. She died a few years ago"

"How is this good" Steve asks

"She had a daughter before she died" I say "I'm an uncle!"

"I'm still confused on the part where you have a sister" clint says

"Me too" Wanda says

"You guys don't understand" I tell them excitedly "I thought I didn't have any blood relatives left, but I found one. I have a family member"

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now