Chapter 1

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I am walking through camp half blood for the last time before I go home for the school year.

I think about going to see Andrew before deciding against it.

We haven't been the same since Tartarus. I feel like we just fell out of love with each other. He was my first love, so I guess I will stay with him until he tells me he doesn't love me anymore, but I cant miss the time when he won't meet my eyes and when he looks at me warily. It's like he's scared of me.

I'm not very close with anyone at camp, come to think of it. They seem to avoid me now. It's probably because they are getting over the aftermath of the war.

I shoulder my backpack as I reach Thalia's pine tree. Looking around camp, I notice that nobody is really out. They are probably in their cabins with their families.

I can't help but feel a little jelous. They are here with their families, while I have to go back to my terrible step-dad.

I make my way to the cab I called. It will take me back to my apartment.

The ride was short.

When I get there I walk up the stairs to our apartment, which is on the 5th floor.

Gabe notices me immediately when I walk in

"Got any cash?"

"Yeah" I say and hand him the $14.34 change I have from the cab. Of course it wasn't all of my money, but I learned long ago that if I hand him some money he will back off

I go to my bedroom and sit on the bed.

I haven't been here in so long.

On the floor is Gabe's gross shoes and about 20 magazines with pictures of half naked girls on them.

I pile them all together and put them outside the door to my room, along with the shoes.

I spray some perfume around the room to get rid of that smell of body odor and moldy pizza. I then look around the room and remove anything else that belongs to Gabe. Once I finish, I tidy up my stuff and find my phone on my dresser

That's the only good thing about being here. Gabe's smell is so strong I can use technology.

My phone is a touch screen phone, but it is one of the earlier models, I don't have the money to get an updated version.

I look through my music downloads and realize that I have some really cool songs on it. Mostly it's My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Three Days Grace, and Evanescence.

I plug in my earbuds, which I found in my jewelry box, only to find that only one ear works.

I curse under my breath and skip around until I find a song I'm in the mood for.

The song Pancea for the Poison by Flobots comes on and I turn my music up all the way. I lay down on my bed and try to fall asleep.

Tomorrow morning I will have to look around for a school that will accept me


I woke up after a nightmare about Tartarus

I get out of bed and change into a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans. I brush through my hair and quickly pull it up in a ponytail. After that I slip on my combat boots and grab my phone.

I quietly make my way out of my room and towards the door.

Gabe is passed out, so I might be able to sneak past him.

This is getting hard. I have to dodge the beer bottles. If I bump into one it might wake him.

I get to the door without a problem, but once I get there I have to unlock it and open it. I slowly switch the lock and turn the nob, careful to make no sound. Once I get it fully open I step out and quietly close it behind me.

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