chapter 40

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Percy pov-

"I have been having strange dreams, but I feel like they're more than just dreams." I'm attending my first therapy session. The therapist came to the school during my free period and was going to help me with my memories and any other problems I'm having.

"Tell me about them." The therapist says.

"This only stays between us, right?" I ask

"Of course but I will have to tell your uncle."

"I don't want that. I just want to be able to talk and not have all my secrets spilled to everyone I know."

"I'll keep your secrets unless it involves harming yourself or others. And, if you have any problems, I will have to tell him." Dr. Marcus Hanes says. "Tell me about your dreams."

I lay back on the chair and explain my dream from last night.

"I was walking down a long hallway and my family was with me, but... there were these display windows. In one was people, but they were all terribly scarred and injured. One boy was burnt nearly to a crisp and one girl's face looked like it had melted. In the next window I saw clouds. It didn't make sense until I got closer to it. When I looked inside, there was buildings, but they were moving closer, like I was falling." I explain. "My dreams aren't usually like that, but that one was. They normally feel like memories, but they're so outrageous that it's unbelievable."

"Tell me about some of them."

"One time, I dreamt that I was holding the sky. Like the Greek myth about the Titan that hold the sky. Then a boy took it from me." I pause "The boy had stormy grey eyes. I met him in reality. He shot me and said the he loved me. It would make sense because in my dreams I was oftentimes kissing him and stuff."

"That's strange." He says. "Maybe your mind is trying to remind you of stuff, but it's coming out all jumbled and mixed up."

"I understand everything that happens, but it all relates to Greek mythology... and sometimes Roman mythology." I tell him.

"Did you take a particular interest in mythologies before the accident?"

"I might have. I don't really remember." I tell him.

"Have you ever remembered things while you were awake?"

"Yeah." I tell him. "A few weeks ago, I was on vacation with a few friends for a week. I was handing out with my boyfriend Wade and I started having some sort of seizure he said. I was having flashbacks or something."

He nods and scribbles something down on a notepad.

"Another time, I was sitting at a piano and I started playing. I thought I was playing the music from the sheet that was left out, but I wasn't. I don't even know what I was playing."

"That could be a muscle memory trigger for you. If you played piano before the accident, your body will remember playing the instrument and possibly act on its own." He says. "Let's go down to the bad room. Maybe we can trigger you again."

They walked to the music room. Coincidentally, Wade was in a music class at that time and since the music room was under renovation, his class was joined with the band.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Marcus Hanes. I'm a therapist and Persephone and I are working on some muscle memory. She happens to play piano. Can she use one of the keyboards in here."

"I was actually taught on a key...board." I start to say, but I lose my train of thought. Dr. Hanes looks at me hopefully. "Nope. It's gone."

He nods. The music teacher says yes and we go to the back of the room. The entirety of the two classes are now staring at me. I sit on the stool in front of the keyboard. I rest my fingers on the keys and try to read the music, but it's all mixed up.

"I can't even read the music." I tell him.

"Try playing a note or two." He suggests. I sigh and start by hitting a random key.

The note sounds like it's part of something I know... something I've played. On instinct, I hit another note. This one is slightly lower. I continue hitting the keys in order and I pick up the pace a bit, so it matches the song I'm thinking of. I push the world around me away and I imagine a woman with salt and pepper hair leaning over me. We are playing a keyboard together. She's telling me that I'm improving.

When I come out of the flashback, I'm finishing the song.

"That was cool!" I announce. "I wasn't even looking at the keys!"

"Yes. That's how muscle memory works." Dr. Hanes says. "That's one trigger. I'm willing to bet that you have others."

"Can we talk in private. That'd how therapy is supposed to be. Private." I say

"Oh yes. Let's go back to the councilors room." He waves and thanks the teacher. I do the same, after I wave to Wade.

"Did anything else happen while you were playing?" He asked me once we got back. "I noticed you zoning out."

"I remember a woman teaching me how to play. She had salt and pepper hair and she was wearing a uniform for a candy store, Sweets by America, I think."

"Do you know of anything else that could possibly be a trigger?"

"No." I say, after racking my brain for anything useful.

When the bell goes off, I grab my books and head off to my next class. After school, I get into Wade's truck and he drives me back to the tower.

"How was your first therapy session?" Steve asks me at dinner.

"It was fine. Did you know that I play piano?" I ask.

"Yeah. I forgot about that." Tony says.

"Same" Everyone else in the room says.

"Yeah, we did some muscle memory thingy. I sat in front of a keyboard and just started playing. I played a whole song and I didn't even have to think about it much." I say. "It was really cool."

"I bet it was." Tony says.

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