chapter 8

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Percy pov-

After a few pictures with everyone I thank them and go to tony's garage. That's where his motorcycle is. I wasn't even going to show them to anyone. I just wanted pictures for some reason.

I turn the key and the engine starts. Tony is upstairs so I completely unzip the jacket and hit the open button on the door.

Once it's open I drive out and the door closes behind me.

I drive to half-blood hill and drive over. Once I cross the boarder all eyes are on me. They can see who I am because I'm not wearing a helmet.

I get off and park the motorcycle at the big house.

I walk to my cabin slowly and when I get there I start packing my stuff.

After a minute I hear a knock on my cabin door

"Percy" it's Andrew "Why didn't you tell me you were back"

I finish putting my clothes in my quest bag and pull it over my shouder. I open the door and walk out and he follows me.

"Percy" He exclaims "Why aren't you answering me"

I just keep walking toward the camp store, to but some ambrosia and nector.

"Percy, STOP" He yells

I stop walking

"Why didn't you tell me you were back?"

"Oh, well. I really dont know. Why didn't you tell me you were sleeping with Drew" I say, which draws the attention of everyone around "actually the question a want answered is why didn't anybody tell me?"

"Are you accusing me of cheating?"

"I'm asking you why you cheated" I say

"How could you accuse me of cheating when you are wearing a boy's jacket. I'm guessing your boyfriend gave it to you" He says

"No, you didn't give me this Andrew, but it was my friend Peter" I say "I was cold so he leant it to me, like a good friend"

"Yeah Percy, we all know that you NEVER lie, so why would you tell us the truth" He says

"What reason would I have to lie?" I ask "I'm not cheating but I know that you are"

"No. You don't know anything. You are a child of Posiedon. You're stupid and it's stupid of you to accuse me of something so horrible"

"Really? Are you going to stick with that excuse" I ask

"It not an excuse. It's the truth" He states

"Your mom, my dad, and Drews mom all showed me a dream of you two sleeping together" I say "oh, and, I also saw your friends not saying anything to you about it. I thought they were my friends too but I guess not."

Andrews cocky look falters for a second "lies"

"Truth" I say plainly and turn to walk away, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back

"I'm sorry" He tries to wrap me in a hug, but I push him away. He tries again so I push him away again

I once again try to walk away, but he grabs my hair.

"What was that for?!" I ask

"Please don't leave me percy. I'm sorry. I love you" He says "I only want you"

"You should have thought about that before you had sex with someone else" I say

"Please, Percy"



"If you really loved me, you wouldn't have done it"

This answer only seems to anger him. He slaps me in the face.

"Wow Andy. You're
losing your touch" I say and I punch him in the face

He seems shocked but then storms off to his cabin.

I look around. Most of camp is here watching me, including my old friends. They are looking and me with looks that are apologetic. Too bad I'm not in a forgiving mood.

I continue getting ready to leave and soon enough I'm finished packing my stuff.

Surprisingly I don't feel happy about doing that. It just makes me feel more empty than before. I thought I would feel good, but I dont. I keep on a brave face for the rest of the demigods, who I don't want to know how sad I am.

I go back to tony's bike and get on. I turn the key and start driving back to the tower.

When I get there I put the bike back where it was and zipper up my jacket before going to find Tony.

I go to the Avengers floor first because he is most likely there. I see Clint and Natasha cuddling on the couch while watching the Hunger Games. They are asleep so I just put the keys on the table and take a picture of them with my phone. I then walk home.

I didn't realize how dark it had become. I don't want to go home yet. I know that when I get there Gabe is going to beat me to a bloody pulp, and I'm not ready yet. I walk around until I teach a neighborhood park.

It's empty so I can't help but feel alone. I don't like feeling this alone, but it's just who I am now. By I've lost so much lately. I don't know what to do. I feel numb. It's like I know things are happening but I don't feel it anymore. It's like there is a black hole inside me and it is sucking the life out of me. I know that it's only going to get worse from here.

I think i am ready. I walk home and walk in, knowing that the next thing I would feel was pain.

I was right.

I embrace to pain. It is the only thing I have felt in a while. I like it. I really shouldn't, but I need to feel something and this gives me that.

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now