chapter 14

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Nico pov -

I feel her soul fading.

"Guys where does Percy live?" I ask frantically

"Um I can take you guys there" annoying spider intern says.

"What's the addres"

"I don't know" He admits

"Start running there and we'll follow" He does that and the demigods are hot on his trail. The Avengers are behind us but still pretty close.

We reach a crappy apartment building and Peter leads us to the fire escape and tells us that her room is on the 4th floor. Will, Jason, and I all go up to get her.

We climb the fire escape until we get to the 4th floor and we open the window. I climb in first and see her on the bed.

I walk towards her and feel for a pulse. I find one but it's faint. Will and jason are in the room now and jason steps forward to pick her up. Will kneels down to look at something on the floor

"Schist!" He exclaims

"What" I ask

"I kneeled in something sharp, like glass" He says "turn on the light"

I go to turn on the lights and I can feel and hear glass breaking underneath my shoes. The light doesn't work.

"Come on let's get out of here" Jason says. He is holding Percy in his arms already, so I grab will's hand and put my hand on jason's shoulder. The shadows consume us.

"I'll never get used to that" will says when we reach the ground

"Let's go to the hospital" Tony says

"No. We can" Chris says


"Just trust us. We'll go back to Avengers tower" I say


Everyone is now at Avengers tower.

The demigods, with most of the avengers, are in the living room and Tony is near the lab where Will and Bruce are fixing Percy up.

I'm going to call Posiedon. He deserves to know when his daughter is hurt. I go to the kitchen and make the call.

"Oh, Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me posiedon, in his palace"

The image appears in the misty rainbow.

"Hello Lord Posiedon" I say

"Hello Nico. Why are you contacting me"

"Percy is hurt. Can you come to Avengers tower"

"Yes I will flash in so shield your eyes"

"Okay bye" I say and I close my eyes.

Posiedon flashes in.

"Where is she" he asks immediately

"We think she tried to kill herself. Will and Bruce are flushing the sleeping pills out of her system" I explain

"Will she be okay?"

"I hope" I tell him "come with me. You can meet Sally's brother tony"

He nods and follows me.

"Lord Posiedon, this is Percy's Uncle Tony." I say "Tony, this is Percy's father"

"Hello, Mr. Stark" He says holding out his hand

"Call me Tony" He replies shaking Posiedon's hand.

"Why is there an Asgardian god here" Posiedon asks me

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now