Chapter 7

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I wake up with a start.

I had another nightmare or should I say demigod dream. I know it was real because I saw Athena, Aphrodite, and Posiedon. They told me that it was real.


I was at camp half-blood, but I wasn't actually there. I was there in dream form.

I wandered around camp looking for my friends. I found Nico and Will in the infirmary

Nico had his arms around will's waist as will was checking someone's bandages.

Travis and Conner were trying to set a prank in the Ares cabin, while Clarisse was sparring with Katie Gardener.

I saw Jason and Piper at the climbing wall.they were racing and jason lost

Leo was with Calypso in Bunker 9. They were building a device that could make food or something.

Rachel was talking with Grover and Juniper in the woods about art

Tyson and Ella were talking to each other about about books.

I wandered around for a while looking for Andrew, but I couldn't find him. I looked in his cabin and he wasn't there either

I went to the dining Pavillion where some of my friends bad gone for lunch.

"Where's Andrew" Grover asked

"Probably the Aphrodite cabin, like always?" Jake Mason answered him

"Oh, right. I still think it's wrong of him but he can do what wants" Grover said

I walked over to the Aphrodite cabin and looked for Andrew.

He wasn't outside so I went inside.

I found him.

He was in bed with Drew Tanka. To say the least, they were doing more than cuddling. They were doing alot more.

I felt a stab in my heart and the small of my back. He was part of my Achilles Curse.

I heard the horn sounding lunch go off.

Andrew got out of bed and so did Drew.

I left the cabin, while they got dressed and I went back to the dining Pavillion.

When Drew and Andrew showed up They went to where Grover and the rest of my friends were. They all gave the couple dirty looks, but none of them said anything and that also kind of hurt.

Soon later the dream faded and I was on the beach with my dad, Athena, and Aphrodite

"Percy, my daughter" me father said

"We know what you saw" Athena said

"That boy broke my otp!" Aphrodite cried "with my daughter!"

"I am sorry for my son's actions" Athena told me

"Me too" I said

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