Chapter 3

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Peter pov-

I went home to Avengers tower and found everyone in the living room looking at something on the tv.

"What's up, guys" I ask

"Wanda has us watching Supernatural again" clint said

"Pause it" I tell her

"Okay" She says and turns up the volume

After a brief wrestling match for the remote she wins so I just go to my room.

Clint and Steve follow me. Natasha, Wanda, Tony, Thor, and Bruce stay in the living room. It makes sense that Steve and Clint were the ones to follow me. Steve is like a father to me and Clint is like a brother.

"So, what did you want to say" Clint asks

"Just wanted to say that the girl who we saw when we were out to eat is in my class." I paused "and when Flash Thompson was being a jerk to me in the hallway, she punched him in the face. I think his nose was broken"

"That's awesome, Peter" Steve exclaimed loudly

"So you'll let her kick his ass, but you won't let me?" Clint whines "That's not fair. Not fair at all"

"Stop whining, Clint" Steve tells him

"She's really cool. I think I have a crush on her, but she has a boyfriend and she's my only friend from school so I don't want to mess things up with her" I rant

"What does she look like" clint asks

"I have a picture" I pull out my phone and show them the picture she sent me. She wanted to pick her contact picture so she sent her choice:

"She's pretty" Steve says

"This picture is older and she looks different now, sadder" I say

"You know you can invite her here" clint say "it's a very impressive home"

"No. I don't want her to think I'm a weirdo" I tell them "but I have homework anyway so, you can go back to watching Supernatural"

They walk away and I start my homework.

Steve pov-

When we get back out the group is looking at us

"What was that about?" Bruce asks

"Peter has a crush" clint says

"Who is she?" Bruce asks

"I think her name is Percy or something" clint answers

"Aww, how cute" Wanda says "now shut up. Cas is on the screen"

I roll my eyes at her and sit down next to Thor. Clint sits next to Natasha.

Percy pov-

When I got home Gabe was angry again. This time he was co.pketely angry with me.

"Why weren't you here today, Persephone?" I cringe at the use of my full name. Nobody knows, but the reason I don't go by Persephone anymore is because of Gabe. The way he says it makes my skin crawl.

"I-I w-was at s-school" I stutter

"Why didn't I see you leave"

"I-I went out th-the w-window" I once again struggle to put together the right words

"Now, why would you do that, delinquent" The old nickname brings terror into me

"I didn't want to get beat on the first day" surprisingly I don't stutter this time

"Persephone" He says creepily, a eerie grin stretches across his face "Naive, little Persephone. You should have known better than to sneak out"

He slaps me in the face repeatedly.

Soon the slaps turn to punches. He is very strong. Most likely because he weighs so much.

I try to get my mind off of the pain. I cant. All I can think about is how my mother died. She died in this very room, on this very floor. Gabe stabbed her in the chest. He got away with it because he made it look like a person broke in. He stabbed himself and knocked me out. The next thing I knew when I woke up was that the cops took my mom and left me with the murderer.

The pain intensifies and I see that Gabe is now kicking me. He hits me in the chest and I feel one of my ribs crack.

I attempt to curl into a ball to protect my vital organs from severe damage.

He eventually gets tire of kicking me and grabs a beer bottle from the ground.

He breaks the bottom of it and holds it to my throat

"Now, my dear stepdaughter, what are you not going to do again" He asks me

"Leave without telling you"

"Good" He starts to get up and I uncurl my body "wait, one more thing" He shoves the bottle into my abdomen and walks away cackling

I haul myself up using the wall for support.

My vision is becoming fuzzy and I'm having trouble keeping my balance. Even if I could get to water I wouldn't have the energy to heal myself, so I go to my room and go towards my dresser.

My hands fumble along my dresser looking for my sewing kit. It's not there.

I am crying really hard now. I fall to the floor. I'm going to die aren't I?

I crawl toward my bed to get my bag. My phone is in it. If I could just get it I could call for help.

I get to my bed and I pull at the blanket until my bag comes down. When it does I look through for my phone

I don't find it

It's getting harder to breathe. It feels like someone is sitting on my chest. I lay down on my back, staring at the ceiling.

I hear a voice in my head

"Keep fighting, Sweetheart"


"Yeah baby, it's me. You need to get up and keep fighting, perce."

"I cant, mom" I say "it hurts"

"Be strong, my love"

"Help me, mommy" I say

She's gone. I look around the room for her. I see something under my bed.

My sewing kit.

Oh thank the gods. I reach under the bed and try to grab it. At first it slips through my fingers. My hands are too slippery from the blood that is pouring out of my abdomen. I finally reach it after several tries.

Thankfully a needle is already threaded. All I have to do is clean the wound and sanatize the needle. I pour some rubbing alcohol on an old shirt and start dabbing the open wounds in my stomach. It hurt like hades, but when I finished I poured some on a needle and get ready to stitch myself up

My hands are too shakey to start, so I take a few breaths and completely remove my jacket and shirt. I rip off a clean piece of my previously worn shirt and place it between my teeth.

Finally I start the stitches. I fade in and out of consiousness while doing them but I eventually finish.

I get up and stumble over to my dresser. I trip on my bed and see my phone wrapped in the blanket.

I unlock it and dial the first number I see


"Peter?" My voice is hoarse and I'm slowly passing out "I need your help. I'm really hurt ba-" I drop the phone.

The room is spinning. I try to stand but my vision goes blurry and I fall to the ground. I try to reach my phone, but it's too far. Slowly the world fades to black and I pass out.

'I am going to die, aren't I?'

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now